
/// <summary>
        /// 对象拷贝
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">被复制对象</param>
        /// <returns>新对象</returns>
        private object CopyOjbect(object obj) {
            if (obj == null) {
                return null;
            Object targetDeepCopyObj;
            Type targetType = obj.GetType();
            if (targetType.IsValueType == true) {
                targetDeepCopyObj = obj;
            else {
                targetDeepCopyObj = System.Activator.CreateInstance(targetType);   //创建引用对象   
                System.Reflection.MemberInfo[] memberCollection = obj.GetType().GetMembers();

                foreach (System.Reflection.MemberInfo member in memberCollection) {
                    if (member.MemberType == System.Reflection.MemberTypes.Field)
                        System.Reflection.FieldInfo field = (System.Reflection.FieldInfo)member;
                        Object fieldValue = field.GetValue(obj);
                        if (fieldValue is ICloneable)
                            field.SetValue(targetDeepCopyObj, (fieldValue as ICloneable).Clone());
                            field.SetValue(targetDeepCopyObj, CopyOjbect(fieldValue));

                    else if (member.MemberType == System.Reflection.MemberTypes.Property) {
                        System.Reflection.PropertyInfo myProperty = (System.Reflection.PropertyInfo)member;

                        MethodInfo info = myProperty.GetSetMethod(false);
                        if (info != null) {
                            try {
                                object propertyValue = myProperty.GetValue(obj, null);
                                if (propertyValue is ICloneable) {
                                    myProperty.SetValue(targetDeepCopyObj, (propertyValue as ICloneable).Clone(), null);
                                else {
                                    myProperty.SetValue(targetDeepCopyObj, CopyOjbect(propertyValue), null);
                            catch (System.Exception ex) {

            return targetDeepCopyObj;

 下面是 StackOverflow 上的一个回答:

public static T DeepClone<T>(T obj)
 using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
   var formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
   formatter.Serialize(ms, obj);
   ms.Position = 0;
   return (T) formatter.Deserialize(ms);


Your class MUST be marked as [Serializable] in order for this to work.
Your source file must include the following code:
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.IO;

I've seen a few different approaches to this, but I use a generic utility method as such:
