《c++ templates the complete guide》序言





   The idea of templates in C++ is more than ten years old. C++ templates were already documented in 1990 in the
"Annotated C++ Reference Manual" or so-called "ARM" (see [EllisStroustrupARM]) and they had been described
before that in more specialized publications. However, well over a decade later we found a dearth of literature that
concentrates on the fundamental concepts and advanced techniques of this fascinating, complex, and powerful C++
feature. We wanted to address this issue and decided to write the book about templates (with perhaps a slight lack of  humility).

  However, we approached the task with different backgrounds and with different intentions. David, an experienced
compiler implementer and member of the C++ Standard Committee Core Language Working Group, was interested
in an exact and detailed description of all the power (and problems) of templates. Nico, an "ordinary" application
programmer and member of the C++ Standard Committee Library Working Group, was interested in understanding
all the techniques of templates in a way that he could use and benefit from them. In addition, we both wanted to share this knowledge with you, the reader, and the whole community to help to avoid further misunderstanding, confusion, or apprehension.

    As a consequence, you will see both conceptual introductions with day-to-day examples and detailed descriptions of  the exact behavior of templates. Starting from the basic principles of templates and working up to the "art of template programming," you will discover (or rediscover) techniques such as static polymorphism, policy classes,
metaprogramming, and expression templates. You will also gain a deeper understanding of the C++ standard library, in which almost all code involves templates.

  We learned a lot and we had much fun while writing this book. We hope you will have the same experience while
reading it. Enjoy!
