
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#define MaInt 32767
#define MVNum 100
#define OK 1

typedef char VerTextType;
typedef int ArcType;

typedef struct {
	VerTextType Vexs[MVNum];
	ArcType arcs[MVNum][MVNum];
	int vexnum, arcnum;

int LocateVex(AMGrach G, VerTextType v) {
	for (int i = 0;i < G.vexnum;i++) {
		if (G.Vexs[i] == v)
			return i;
	return -1;

int CreateUDN(AMGrach& G) {
	int i, j, k;
	cout << "请输入总顶点数,总边数,以空格隔开:";
	cin >> G.vexnum >> G.arcnum;
	cout << endl;

	cout << "输入点的名称,如a" << endl;
		for (i = 0;i < G.vexnum;i++) {
			cout << "input the " << i << " name";
			cin >> G.Vexs[i];
	cout << endl;

	for (i = 0;i < G.vexnum;i++)
		for (j = 0;j < G.vexnum;++j)
			G.arcs[i][j] = MaInt;
	cout << "输入边依附的顶点及权值,如 a b 5" << endl;

	for (k = 0;k < G.arcnum;++k) {
		VerTextType v1, v2;
		ArcType w;
		cout << "input the" << (k + 1) << " side of weigth";
		cin >> v1 >> v2 >> w;
		i = LocateVex(G, v1);
		j = LocateVex(G, v2);
		G.arcs[i][j] = w;
		G.arcs[j][i] = G.arcs[i][j];
	return 0;

int main() {
	cout << "采用邻接矩阵表示法创建无向网";
	AMGrach G;
	int i, j;
	cout << endl;
	for (i = 0;i < G.vexnum;i++) {
		for (j = 0;j < G.vexnum;++j) {

			if (j != G.vexnum - 1) {

				if (G.arcs[i][j] != MaInt) {
					cout << G.arcs[i][j] << "	";
				else {
					cout << "~" << "	";

			else {

				if (G.arcs[i][j] != MaInt)
					cout << G.arcs[i][j] << endl;
					cout << "~" << endl;

	cout << endl;
	return 0;