shell 下实现VLOOKUP

#author lee
#date 2021.8.26
if [ $# -ne 2 ]
    echo "File number supplied is not right"
    echo "Input File1 that have your info"
    echo "Input File2 you want to know"
awk 'NR==FNR{lee[$1]=$0;next}NR>FNR{if($1 in lee){print lee[$1]} else {print $0 "	" "None"}}' $1 $2 >${2}.extracted
#NR is the total row of file,which here refers file1
#FNR is the row number of specific file
#lee[1]=$0,is to create an array of $0(you want to extract)
#if $1 in file2 also in file1,print lee[1],you can also specific what you want to print, also the tab
