Grid Sorting

In this part, you will implement SortGrid,which sorts the elements in a grid of integers.


It is up to you to figure out a solution to this problem according to the requirements
below. We will test your solution for accuracy (i.e. does it sort the grid?) and for
efficiency. Points will be awarded based on accuracy and efficiency, so you should
design your solution with that in mind. Keep in mind that some algorithms may be
efficient on smaller grids or on specific grids but don’t work as well on other grids, so be
sure to test your solution on many different inputs.

Implementation Requirements:
You may use a two-dimensional array as a temporary copy in case you
decide to use a variation of MergeSort. You may not use that 2D array to
actually do the sorting in order to avoid getting more access counts.
e You may not copy the items over into a regular array of size N X N. In other
words, the sorting must be done in the grid.


def convert_to_array_coordinate(data, index):
    N = len(data)
    x, y = int(index / N), index - int(index / N) * N
    return x, y

def access_data_by_index(data, index):
    x, y = convert_to_array_coordinate(data, index)
    return data[x][y]

def write_data_by_index(data, index, val):
    x, y = convert_to_array_coordinate(data, index)
    data[x][y] = val


def adjust_heap(data, index, length):
    child_index = index * 2 + 1    
    while child_index < length and index < length:
        child_val = access_data_by_index(data, child_index)
        if child_index + 1 < length and child_val < access_data_by_index(data, child_index + 1):
            child_index += 1
        child_val = access_data_by_index(data, child_index)
        cur_val = access_data_by_index(data, index)
        if child_val < cur_val:
        write_data_by_index(data, index, child_val)
        write_data_by_index(data, child_index, cur_val)
        index = child_index
        child_index = index * 2 + 1

def merge_sort(data):
    N = len(data)
    if N == 1:
    length = N * N
    # 构建大顶堆,时间复杂度为O(N)
    for i in xrange(int(length/2)-1, -1, -1):
        adjust_heap(data, i, length)
    # 每次获取堆顶元素,然后和堆底的元素交换(这样一来最大的数就到了“数组”最末),然后重新调整大顶堆,直至循环结束
    for i in xrange(length - 1):
        t = data[0][0]
        data[0][0] = access_data_by_index(data, length-i-1)
        write_data_by_index(data, length-i-1, t)
        adjust_heap(data, 0, length - i - 1)



data = [[4,1,0,2,8], [10,3,24,2,8], [9,0,37,29,3], [43,22,7,11,0], [5,67,3,2,0]]


[[0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [2, 2, 2, 3, 3], [3, 4, 5, 7, 8], [8, 9, 10, 11, 22], [24, 29, 37, 43, 67]]