textContent 与 innerText

innerText是IE的私有实现,但也被除FF之外的浏览器所实现,textContent 则是w3c的标准API,现在IE9也实现了。


  1. innerText不能返回script标签里面的源码,textContent则可以,在不支持textContent的浏览器,我们可以使用text与innerHTML代替。
  2. textContent会保留空行与空格与换行符,innerText则只会保留换行符。


getPlainText = function(node){
	// used for testing:
	//return node.innerText || node.textContent;

	var normalize = function(a){
		// clean up double line breaks and spaces
		if(!a) return "";
		return a.replace(/ +/g, " ")
				.replace(/[\t]+/gm, "")
				.replace(/[ ]+$/gm, "")
				.replace(/^[ ]+/gm, "")
				.replace(/\n+/g, "\n")
				.replace(/\n+$/, "")
				.replace(/^\n+/, "")
				.replace(/\nNEWLINE\n/g, "\n\n")
				.replace(/NEWLINE\n/g, "\n\n"); // IE
	var removeWhiteSpace = function(node){
		// getting rid of empty text nodes
		var isWhite = function(node) {
			return !(/[^\t\n\r ]/.test(node.nodeValue));
		var ws = [];
		var findWhite = function(node){
			for(var i=0; i<node.childNodes.length;i++){
				var n = node.childNodes[i];
				if (n.nodeType==3 && isWhite(n)){
				}else if(n.hasChildNodes()){
		for(var i=0;i<ws.length;i++){

	var sty = function(n, prop){
		// Get the style of the node.
		// Assumptions are made here based on tagName.
		if(n.style[prop]) return n.style[prop];
		var s = n.currentStyle || n.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(n, null);
		if(n.tagName == "SCRIPT") return "none";
		if(!s[prop]) return "LI,P,TR".indexOf(n.tagName) > -1 ? "block" : n.style[prop];
		if(s[prop] =="block" && n.tagName=="TD") return "feaux-inline";
		return s[prop];

	var blockTypeNodes = "table-row,block,list-item";
	var isBlock = function(n){
		// diaply:block or something else
		var s = sty(n, "display") || "feaux-inline";
		if(blockTypeNodes.indexOf(s) > -1) return true;
		return false;
	var recurse = function(n){
		// Loop through all the child nodes
		// and collect the text, noting whether
		// spaces or line breaks are needed.
		if(/pre/.test(sty(n, "whiteSpace"))) {
			t += n.innerHTML
				.replace(/\t/g, " ")
				.replace(/\n/g, " "); // to match IE
			return "";
		var s = sty(n, "display");
		if(s == "none") return "";
		var gap = isBlock(n) ? "\n" : " ";
		t += gap;
		for(var i=0; i<n.childNodes.length;i++){
			var c = n.childNodes[i];
			if(c.nodeType == 3) t += c.nodeValue;
			if(c.childNodes.length) recurse(c);
		t += gap;
		return t;
	// Use a copy because stuff gets changed
	node = node.cloneNode(true);
	// Line breaks aren't picked up by textContent
	node.innerHTML = node.innerHTML.replace(/<br>/g, "\n");

	// Double line breaks after P tags are desired, but would get
	// stripped by the final RegExp. Using placeholder text.
	var paras = node.getElementsByTagName("p");
	for(var i=0; i<paras.length;i++){
		paras[i].innerHTML += "NEWLINE";

	var t = "";
	// Make the call!
	return normalize(recurse(node));



//by 司徒正美
                var node = this[0];
                if(value === void 0){
                        return ""
                    }else if(node.tagName == "OPTION" || node.tagName === "SCRIPT"){
                        return node.text;
                        return node.textContent || node.innerText ||  dom.getText([ node ]);
                    return this.empty().append( (node && node.ownerDocument || DOC).createTextNode( value ));