在Visual Studio 2010中安装iGraph


Igraph actually does work with Visual C++ 2010 Express, we test this before releases, and I have just tried it. You need to do the following steps.

    1. Download the source package specifically created for Visual Studio :http://igraph.sourceforge.net/download.html 。
    2. Uncompress the file into My DocumentsVisual Studio 2010Projects .
    3. Open the igraph.sln solution file in igraph-0.6-msvcigraph-0.6-msvc directory from Visual Studio.
    4. Visual Studio offers to convert the solution file to the current format, do that. 
    5. On the toolbar, change 'Debug' to 'Release' to make release builds.
    6. Choose Debug -> Build solution and wait until the library is built.

    To test it you can open the solution file in the igraphtest directory, convert it as well, choose 'Release' builds, and then build it. It is a simple C++ program that uses igraph to create a graph and write it into the file out.txt

    You have to set up include and library directories:

    1. Set the include directory as: My DocumentsVisual Studio 2010Projectsigraph-0.6.5-msvcinclude

    2. Set the library directory as:  My DocumentsVisual Studio 2010Projectsigraph-0.6.5-msvcRelease
