css3 变形之傻瓜化矩阵变形


transform: matrix属性应用:

 /* One transform entry for each different brower.  Firefox needs px in the last two entries */
 -moz-transform:    matrix(2.878, 0.711, 1.522, 3.811, 56.000px, 54.778px);
 -webkit-transform: matrix(2.878, 0.711, 1.522, 3.811, 56.000, 54.778);
 -o-transform:      matrix(2.878, 0.711, 1.522, 3.811, 56.000, 54.778);
 transform:         matrix(2.878, 0.711, 1.522, 3.811, 56.000, 54.778);
 /* The transform origin is needed to place the transformed object in the right place. */
 transform-origin: -10.0px -10.0px;

