IIS7 IIS6 解析JSON (解决JSON格式的 Method Not Allowed )

IIS7 configuration to support JSON:

1. 进入iis –> Features View –> Handler Mappings –> Add Script Map

2. 配置:

Request path:*.json

Executable: C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\asp.dll  

IIS6 configuration to support JSON:
Using IIS manager

  1. Add ‘json’ MIME Type
    • On the main IIS server right click and select ‘Properties’
    • From ‘Properties’ window in ‘MIME Types’ section click on ‘MIME Types’ button.
    • From ‘MIME Types’ window click on ‘New…’ button
    • In ‘MIME Type’ window type:
Extension: .json 
MIME type: application/x-javascript
    • Click OK, You should see the .json MIME Type added to the list of the MIME Types.
    • Click OK to the ‘MIME Types’ window
    • Click OK to ‘Properties’ window

