Intellij Shortcuts

ctrl+shift+F : search in whole project

ctrl+hover : check the field info in brief

ctrl+Q : check the field info in detail

ctrl+P: show the parameter information

ctrl+W : select the sentence incrementally

ctrl+H : check the hierarchy of a class

ctrl+B : go to the declaration of a method

ctrl+U: go to the super method/class

ctrl+shift+H: method hierarchy

ctrl|+alt+H: call hierarchy

ctrl+shift+N : search for and open a class

alt+enter : smart suggestions

ctrl+space :  smart completion

ctrl+Y : delete the current line

ctrl+F4: close the current tab

alt+Q: show the current class name

double+shift: search everywhere

ctrl+shift+F: find in path

ctrl+F9: compile make project (compile modified and dependent)

ctrl+shift+F9: compile selected file, package or module

shift+F9: debug

shift+F10: run

ctrl+shift+F10: run context configuration from editor

shift+F6: refactor -> rename

ctrl+J: insert template

ctrl+shift+A: find any action inside the IDE

ctrl+shift+Enter: Complete the code block automatically

ctrl+J: suggestions of code blocks

ctrl+H: Display the hierarchy of the Class

ctrl+alt+H: Display the usage of the method

ctrl + alt + V : repalce occruencies with a variable, extract a parameter to a local variable

ctrl+ shift + down_arrow: move the whole line down

shift + F10 : run test

ctrl + alt + N : inline the variable

ctrl + alt + C: make the variable a constant (public static final)

shift + F6 : Refactor the name of a variable in all places

ctrl + W : extend selection

ctrl + shift + W : shrink selection

ctrl + alt + I : Auto indent lines

ctrl + alt + M : extract a block of codes to a method

ctrl + alt + shift +T : Go to Refactor menu, could move methods/variables to a base super class

alt + Enter : Auto suggestions. Could create a field for a parameter in the constructor. Could create a new class under either main/test folder.

alt + Insert : Go to the Generate menu.

ctrl + alt + P : Extract the variable to be a parameter

ctrl + alt + F : Extract a local variable to be a field in the class

F6: could move a method to another class

ctrl + shift + J : Line Join

alt + shift + click : multi-cursor functions

ctrl + alt + O : Optimize imports

ctrl + O : select method to override

ctrl + alt + L: reformat code: auto indent whole file and optimize imports
