XAF How to enable LayoutView mode in the GridControl in List Views



1. The LayoutViewListEditor class implemented in this example is not a complete solution, but rather a starting point for creating a custom List Editor based on the XtraGrid's LayoutView and providing similar features as a standard GridListEditor. Since this custom List Editor may have issues, you will use it at your own risk.
Refer to the sources of a standard GridListEditor class ("%ProgramFiles\DevExpress 2011.1\eXpressApp Framework\Sources\DevExpress.ExpressApp\DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win\Editors\GridListEditor.cs") and the product documentation for more information about implementing custom List Editors.
You can also track S19992 to be automatically notified when the complete solution is available.
2. To see LayoutViewListEditor in action, download this video.
