Some Random Diary

Apr 1st

This is the first day of April 2020. As what I decided before, in following 3 days, I will try my best to collect all information for Postgraduate Entrance Exam (woah, it's been a while since my last time using this expression. 3 years?), while I think there is still a chance for me to get avoid exam. But the latter one requires a high gpa score, and considering my present rank in my class, this is risky to do nothing but wait for that qualification.

One of my close classmate has a different choice. Instead of making two-hand preparation like me, he followed a prof last semester and is about to publish a paper for gpa bonus. This also means that he would got no time for PEE. We all have hard time here.

Another classmate, who has begun his PEE review last month (which is normal, I am the lazy one), gives me some coupon for math reviewing book. Thanks to him, and I think our coopretaion will last until July. If my gpa is not sufficient for exam avoidance, then my journey with him will keep going until December.

The message I got now is still limited. The only things I make clean today, are the subjects involve in PEE, and the math book I need to buy right now. Oh, and, I am actually a little bit late for reviewing. I deserve to this.

I reset my daily vocabulary reciting plan from 85 to 200, otherwise I wouldn't finish the list. According to what they said, vocabulary reciting should be finished before July.

Ummm. Yeah, I have made my decision to quit mcbbs for a while, until everything is finely settled. That feeling is just like when it was the last year, I made decision to avoid using any social media. But this time, the period is no longer only one week. That is maybe 3 monthes, or 9 monthes, depending on what I will achieve in the future. Just wait and find out.

Apr 2rd

Oops, I just realize that I made some grammer mistake in yesterday dairy. But, that's ok.

I have done almost nothing today. I wake up at 10, finish my class at 12, play Minecraft until 14, sleep on bed in heavy rain until 17... well, I think there's no necessity to continue.

Or should I start to do my homework first? A lot of my free time are wasted because I usually prioritize those things in low postition. But it end up turns out that all the time are wasted.

I am feeling a little bit tired now. Why my writing skill is so limited.

Apr 14th

What did I do in last 2 weeks? Seems like that I waste another 12 days.

A lot of thing to be done in recent.

But I am so addictive to LPL lives. I even redownload the Game for Peace.

Still confusing now.
