English trip M1



The clothes is Only $16.

16 is lucky number in China.

God give us black eyes,but we find for light 

Xiaoming likes is black.

e-sports is not only games, but a spirit.

镜子  mirror

纸巾  tissues

荧光笔  highlighters 

订书机 stapler

耳机 earphones  ['ɪrfonz]

马克笔 markers

口红  lipstick

剪刀  scissors  ['sɪzɚz]

墨水  ink

修正液  white out

夹子  clip

橡皮擦 eraser

公交卡  Bus card

邦迪 Band-aid

化妆用品 make-up

打火机 lighter  ['laɪtə]

香烟  cigarette

工作牌 name tag  [tæɡ]

杯子/马克杯  cup/mug

女式包  purse    pur se   [pɜːs]

男士公文包  briefcase  b rief ca se

sentence 句子

What does a woman have in her bag?

What does a man have in his pocket?

What does an office worker have on his/her desk?

What does an actress have in her home?

What do you have in your bag?
