
Intel Unveils 3D Transistor, New Line of Processors
posted by Thom Holwerda on Wed 4th May 2011 21:12 UTC, submitted by SReilly
发表于:2011年5月5日 北京时间05:12

Intel has just announced its new line of processors, called Ivy Bridge, which uses a new type of transistor to reach the 22nm production process as well as maintain Moore's Law. They call it the 3D transistor, and in all honesty, this stuff goes way over my head. Even the incredibly cheesy n00b-video from Intel doesn't really make any lightbulbs appear in my head. So...
Intel不久前推出了其新的处理器系列——Ivy Bridge(译名艾薇桥)。它使用一种新型的晶体管,延续了摩尔定律的神话的同时达到了22nm生产进程。他们叫它3D晶体管;老实说,这东西远超出我 能理解的范围。就连Intel那个极度炫目的n00b-video在我头脑里都没有过多的思考,可以想象……

...that makes this kind of hard to talk about, even though it's kind of a big deal. Intel claims that the new type of transistor will lead to serious reductions in power consumption, while delivering more power. It allows Intel to extend Moore's Law, despite doubts over whether the industry would be able to or not. These things have been in development for nearly a decade.

"The performance gains and power savings of Intel's unique 3-D Tri-Gate transistors are like nothing we've seen before," said Mark Bohr, Intel Senior Fellow, "This milestone is going further than simply keeping up with Moore's Law. The low-voltage and low-power benefits far exceed what we typically see from one process generation to the next. It will give product designers the flexibility to make current devices smarter and wholly new ones possible. We believe this breakthrough will extend Intel's lead even further over the rest of the semiconductor industry."
“Intel独有的3-D Tri-Gate晶体管的性能提升和能耗下降之大是我们闻所未闻见所未见的,” Intel资深院士Mark Bohr如是说,“这一个里程碑比仅仅只是跟住摩尔定律走得还要远。本次低电压低功耗的所带来的效益远远超出了我们一贯所见的处理器的更新换代。它将给产 品设计者以使当前设备更加智能甚至开发全新设备的灵活性。我们相信,此次突破必将把Intel在半导体工业后期的领头地位延伸得更加宽广。

And, here is the cheesy video.

Intel is plans to ship the new type of transistor in the second half of this year, and they will be deployed across the entire spectrum of Intel processors - so not just in the top range.

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