2.1 字符串查询

package main

import (

const refString = "Mary had a little lamb"

func main() {

	lookFor := "lamb"
	contain := strings.Contains(refString, lookFor)
	fmt.Printf("The "%s" contains "%s": %t 
", refString, lookFor, contain)

	lookFor = "wolf"
	contain = strings.Contains(refString, lookFor)
	fmt.Printf("The "%s" contains "%s": %t 
", refString, lookFor, contain)

	startsWith := "Mary"
	starts := strings.HasPrefix(refString, startsWith)
	fmt.Printf("The "%s" starts with "%s": %t 
", refString, startsWith, starts)

	endWith := "lamb"
	ends := strings.HasSuffix(refString, endWith)
	fmt.Printf("The "%s" ends with "%s": %t 
", refString, endWith, ends)


The "Mary had a little lamb" contains "lamb": true
The "Mary had a little lamb" contains "wolf": false
The "Mary had a little lamb" starts with "Mary": true
The "Mary had a little lamb" ends with "lamb": true
