PCIe 调试

ISE 生成PCIe核之后, 在ipcore_dir目录下会产生以下文件目录


  • The doc folder contains the PCIe Endpoint Block datasheet and user guide.
  • The example_design folder contains the source files (HDL and UCF) for a simple PIO design using the PCIe Endpoint Block.
  • The implement folder contains the script and batch files for implementing the design in batch mode.
  • The simulation folder contains the HDL test bench files for simulation the core.
  • The source folder contains the PCIe and GTP hard IP wrapper files.


 1 myPCIe
 2 │  s6_pcie_readme.txt
 3  4 ├─doc
 5 │      s6_pcie_ds718.pdf
 6 │      s6_pcie_ug654.pdf
 7  8 ├─example_design
 9 │      pcie_app_s6.v
10 │      PIO.v
11 │      PIO_32_RX_ENGINE.v
12 │      PIO_32_TX_ENGINE.v
13 │      PIO_EP.v
14 │      PIO_EP_MEM.v
15 │      PIO_EP_MEM_ACCESS.v
16 │      PIO_TO_CTRL.v
17 │      xilinx_pcie_1_1_ep_s6.v
18 │      xilinx_pcie_1_lane_ep_xc6slx45t-fgg484-2.u
19 20 ├─implement
21 │      implement.bat
22 │      implement.sh
23 │      xst.prj
24 │      xst.scr
25 26 ├─simulation
27 │  ├─dsport
28 │  │      gtx_drp_chanalign_fix_3752_v6.v
29 │  │      gtx_rx_valid_filter_v6.v
30 │  │      gtx_tx_sync_rate_v6.v
31 │  │      gtx_wrapper_v6.v
32 │  │      pcie_2_0_rport_v6.v
33 │  │      pcie_2_0_v6_rp.v
34 │  │      pcie_brams_v6.v
35 │  │      pcie_bram_top_v6.v
36 │  │      pcie_bram_v6.v
37 │  │      pcie_clocking_v6.v
38 │  │      pcie_gtx_v6.v
39 │  │      pcie_pipe_lane_v6.v
40 │  │      pcie_pipe_misc_v6.v
41 │  │      pcie_pipe_v6.v
42 │  │      pcie_reset_delay_v6.v
43 │  │      pcie_upconfig_fix_3451_v6.v
44 │  │      pci_exp_usrapp_cfg.v
45 │  │      pci_exp_usrapp_com.v
46 │  │      pci_exp_usrapp_pl.v
47 │  │      pci_exp_usrapp_rx.v
48 │  │      pci_exp_usrapp_tx.v
49 │  │      xilinx_pcie_2_0_rport_v6.v
50 │  │
51 │  ├─functional
52 │  │      board.f
53 │  │      board.v
54 │  │      isim_cmd.tcl
55 │  │      simulate_isim.bat
56 │  │      simulate_isim.sh
57 │  │      simulate_mti.do
58 │  │      simulate_ncsim.sh
59 │  │      simulate_vcs.sh
60 │  │      sys_clk_gen.v
61 │  │      sys_clk_gen_ds.v
62 │  │      wave.do
63 │  │      wave.sv
64 │  │      wave.tcl
65 │  │      wave.wcfg
66 │  │
67 │  └─tests
68 │          tests.v
69 70 └─source
71         gtpa1_dual_wrapper.v
72         gtpa1_dual_wrapper_tile.v
73         myPcie.v
74         pcie_brams_s6.v
75         pcie_bram_s6.v
76         pcie_bram_top_s6.v
View Code

其中The example simulation design consists of two discrete parts:

  • The Root Port Model, a test bench that generates, consumes, and checks PCI Expressbus traffic.
  • The Programmed Input/Output (PIO) example design, a completer application for PCI Express. The PIO example design responds to Read and Write requests to its memory space and can be synthesized for testing in hardware.

用户可以通过root port model来仿真实现PCIe事务层的操作,并通过相应的数据收发模块实现对PCIe功能的仿真。Root Port Model包含以下功能

  • Test Programming Interface (TPI), which allows the user to stimulate the Endpoint device for the PCI Express 
  • Example tests that illustrate how to use the test program TPI
  • Verilog or VHDL source code for all Root Port Model components, which allow the user to customize the test bench

Root Port Model仿真模块和PCIe PIO设计的耦合关系如图所示

