Some useful Regular Expression for Web UI Validation

In ASP.NET, sometimes we need to use RegularExpressionValidator for TextBox validation.

Non-literals in Regular Expression:    .    *    ?    +    (    )    {    }    [    ]    ^    $
These characters are literals when preceded by a "\". For example, \.    \*

. matches any single character except newlines.
* matches the preceding element 0 or more times.
? matches the preceding element 0 or 1 time.
+ matches the preceding element 1 or more times.

1.    Input string must contain one numeric character.

       ^[\S\s]*[0-9]+[\S\s]*$    or    ^[\S\s]*\d+[\S\s]*$

       This expresssion can be seperated into 5 parts   ^    [\S\s]*    [0-9]+    [\S\s]*   $

       ^ matches the starting position of the string

       [\S\s]* matches any number of characters (including empty string). 
       \S matches anything but a whitespace. 
       \s matches whitespace (short for [\f\n\r\t\v\u00A0\u2028\u2029])

       [0-9]+ represents 1 ore more numeric number. This expression ensures at least 1 numeric character.
       \d is the shortcut of [0-9]
       [\S\s]* matches any number of characters after the numeric character.

       $ matches the ending position of the string.
2.    Input string must contain one uppercase character.


3.    Input string must contain one lowercase character.


4.    Input string minimum length validation.


       This expression ensures the input string's minimum length is 6, and there is no limitation on maximum

       Another example on maximum length validation.

5.    Number of Decimal points validation


       This expression can be seperated as ^   \d+    (\.\d{0,5})?     $

6.     Sample Code
1<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="RegularExpressionValidatorBalance" runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtBalance" CssClass="FieldValidationError" ValidationExpression= "^\d+(\.\d{0,5})?$" Display="Dynamic">