

what is Networking?

Networking is all details and no principles,more of a “domain” than a “discipline”

  • A Plethora of Protocol Acronyms?
  • A Heap of Header Formats?
  • A Big Bunch of Boxes?
  • A Ton of Tools?


从‘division of labor’的视角审视网络:

注:这也是理解SDN的关键,其中Data plane对应通用转发模型,也就是OpenFlow协议中的第一部分内容。Control plane对应NOS(网络操作系统,也叫NOS),很显然除了这三个任务,NOS需要给上层SDN应用提供良好的北向接口,如果能带上一个常用app库那就更好。Management plane对应SDN的上层应用。

Data plane:packets,核心是包处理

–Handle individual packets as they arrive
–Forward, drop, or buffer
–Mark, shape, schedule, …
Control plane: events,核心是事件处理
–Track changes in network topology,实时更新网络拓扑链接
–Compute paths through the network,计算路径
–Reserve resources along a path,维护路径上的节点

Management plane:policies,核心是策略实现

Making the network run well
–Traffic reaches the right destination
–Traffic flows over short, uncongested paths
–Unwanted traffic is discarded
–Failure recovery happens quickly
–Routers don’t run out of resources
A control loop with the network
–Measure (sense): topology, traffic, performance, …
–Control (actuate): configure control and data planes
  • Configuration
  • Traffic engineering

  • Troubleshooting

  • Security

  • Minimizing disruptions

  • Energy efficiency

  • Supporting services

Networked services hosted in data centers

–Web sites, social networks, video streaming, online gaming, virtual worlds, ...
–Replicated on servers in multiple data centers
–Churn from mobile users, migrating VMs, failures, …

因此,网络体系结构需要有一种转变,从“Dumb management,smart network”到“Smart management, dumb network,如下图所示:

 小结:之前的网络技术体系是所有细节的堆砌,自从有了SDN,从技术演进和学术研究上建立一种学科共识,各方可以从data plane、control plane 和 management plane三个层面持续努力。

How the Internet Works?

