Unity周记: 2020.11.23-11.29

  1. YouTube - Unity
    1. Input System: Workflow tips and feature integrations | Unite Now 2020Bilibili
    2. Make your indie game a live service | Unite Now 2020Bilibili
    3. Improving your core game loop to drive retention | Unite Now 2020Bilibili
    4. Beyond the engine: Multiplayer Services | Unite Now 2020Bilibili
    5. Pre- & post-launch: Tools & methods gamedevs love | Unite Now 2020Bilibili
    6. Unlock over a billion potential new users with UDP | Unite Now 2020Bilibili
    7. Virtual production for live experiences and attractions | Unite Now 2020Bilibili
    8. 7 things you need to know when creating a mobile AR app | Unite Now 2020Bilibili
    9. Introducing the ROG Phone SDK for Unity | Unite Now 2020Bilibili
    10. Bow and Arrow in VR | Prototype SeriesBilibili
    11. The Journey: Ep. 4 | Open Projects
    12. Profiler Improvements in Unity 2019 LTS & 2020.1 Bilibili
  2. Unity Technologies Blog
    1. How Unity Reflect is powering RETIMA
    2. Pinkfong’s Baby Shark: Teaching children to wash their hands
    3. Learn the Input System with updated tutorials and our sample project, Warriors
    4. Real-time style transfer in Unity using deep neural networks
    5. In parameters in Burst
    6. The top trends that will shape AEC in 2021
    7. Get a sneak peek at the new salvage class in Hardspace: Shipbreaker – revealed in our Creator Spotlight!
    8. Learn effective strategies for keeping your players engaged
  3. 微信公众号 - Unity官方平台
    1. Unity工业专栏 | 新冠疫情挑战下的企业数字化转型
    2. 如何利用Addressable和CCD服务快速构建游戏资源更新系统,一篇讲明白
    3. Unity双十一倒计时 | 优惠购买Unity Plus、Unity Pro,抓紧机会!
    4. 游戏引擎市场占有率超50%,Unity将用这些新技术改变“游戏玩法”
    5. 开发小白学习3个月拿到大厂offer,这是什么神仙操作?
  4. Bilibili - Unity官方
    1. Unity社区教程|通过实际案例演示学习Timeline (2019.3)