pg_dump 备份greenplum db 报错退出

今天用pg_dump 备份greenplum 数据库的ddl 的时候,遇到一个其他的错误,记录一下。


[gpadmin@gpmdw tmp]$ pg_dump -Fp --gp-syntax  -s -f ./pgdump_output.sql testdb1
pg_dump: query to obtain distribution policy of table "dim_org" returned no data

 使用-v 参数,查看详细出错信息,重新执行

[gpadmin@gpmdw tmp]$ pg_dump -Fp --gp-syntax -v -s -f ./pgdump_output.sql testdb1
20171121:18:43:37|pg_dump-[INFO]:-reading schemas
20171121:18:43:37|pg_dump-[INFO]:-reading user-defined functions
20171121:18:43:37|pg_dump-[INFO]:-reading user-defined types
20171121:18:43:37|pg_dump-[INFO]:-reading constraints
20171121:18:43:37|pg_dump-[INFO]:-reading triggers
pg_dump: reading dependency data
pg_dump: saving encoding = UTF8
pg_dump: saving standard_conforming_strings = off
pg_dump: saving database definition
pg_dump: query to obtain distribution policy of table "dim_org" returned no data
pg_dump: *** aborted because of error
[gpadmin@gpmdw tmp]$ 

开始怀疑是dim_org 这张表有问题,经过检查,dim_org 很正常,没有任何问题;

testdb1=# d public.dim_org
           Table "public.dim_org"
 Column |          Type          | Modifiers 
 orgid  | integer                | 
 name   | character varying(100) | 
Distributed by: (orgid)


后来再检查数据库日志,发现 pg_dump 是执行如下SQL来查询表的表的分布键的:

SELECT attrnums from pg_namespace as n, pg_class as c, gp_distribution_policy as p WHERE c.relname = 'dim_org' AND n.nspname='public' AND c.relnamespace=n.oid AND c.oid = p.localoid;

而我的数据库testdb1 存在一张测试表  public.pg_class, 里面的数据为空,导致上面的SQL执行结果为空。所以报错退出;
把public.pg_class 修改为public.pg_class2 之后,重新执行pg_dump ,可以正常备份了。

以后还是不要再public 下创建和系统表同名的表了,这个问题又搞了一个上午。
