leetcode101 Symmetric Tree

 1 """
 2 Given a binary tree, check whether it is a mirror of itself (ie, symmetric around its center).
 3 For example, this binary tree [1,2,2,3,4,4,3] is symmetric:
 4     1
 5    / 
 6   2   2
 7  /  / 
 8 3  4 4  3
 9 But the following [1,2,2,null,3,null,3] is not:
10     1
11    / 
12   2   2
14    3    3
15 """
16 class TreeNode:
17     def __init__(self, x):
18         self.val = x
19         self.left = None
20         self.right = None
21 class Solution1(object):
22     def isSymmetric(self, root):
23         if root == None:       #空树的情况
24             return True
25         else:
26             return self.isSym(root.left, root.right) #递归函数
27     def isSym(self, L, R):   #L左子树,R右子树
28         if L == None and R == None: #只有根节点的情况
29             return True
30         elif L == None or R == None:
31             return False
32         elif L.val == R.val:
33             return self.isSym(L.left, R.right) and self.isSym(L.right, R.left)
34         #!!!递归调用,注意是两个相等的值,左子树的左孩子和右子树的右孩子
35         else:
36             return False
38 """
39 把问题分解为第二层的两个子树为对称的,
40 可以近似地判断两个二叉树是否相同;
41 """
43 """
44 用层次遍历BFS的方法,判断每一层结点的val是否对称
45 !!!  val[::-1] == val ,判断对称一条语句就可以实现
46 层次遍历用队列存储
47 """
48 class Solution2(object):
49     def isSymmetric(self, root):
50         if root == None:    #空树的情况
51             return True
52         queue = [root]      #先将根结点加入队列
53         while queue:
54             value = [x.val if x else None for x in queue] #将队列的有效值放入value
55             if value[::-1] != value:  #!!!判断是否对称。切片方法
56                 return False          #切片格式[第一个元素编号:第二个元素编号加一:步长]
57             newqueue = []             #新队列用来存储下一层
58             for x in queue:           #层次遍历入队操作
59                 if x:
60                     newqueue.append(x.left)
61                     newqueue.append(x.right)
62             queue = newqueue          #覆盖原来队列循环判断下一层
63         return True