

// to run this program: C>java LinkList2App
class Link { public int iData; public Link next; public Link(int id) { iData = id; } public void displayLink() { System.out.print("{" + iData + "} "); } } //========================================== class LinkList { private Link first; public LinkList() { first = null; }
public boolean isEmpty()
return (frist == null );
public void insertFirst(int id) { Link newLink = new Link(id); newLink.next = first; first = newLink; }
   public Link deleteFirst()   
Link temp = first;
first = first.next;
return temp;
else //链表为空
return null;
   public Link find(int key)  
   Link current = first;
while(current != null && current.iData != key)
     current = current.next;
   if(current == null)//没有找到
     return null;
   else //已经找到
     return current;
public Link delete(int key)   {
     Link current = first;
     Link previous = first;
     while(current != null && current.iData != key)
       previous = current;
       current = current.next;
    if(current == null)//没有找到
       return null;
     if(current == first)//已经找到且是第一个元素
       first = first.next;
     else //已经找到且不是第一个元素
       previous.next = current.next;
     return current;
public void displayList() { System.out.print("List (first-->last): "); Link current = first; while(current != null) { current.displayLink(); current = current.next; } System.out.println(""); } }
class LinkListApp { public static void main(String[] args) { LinkList theList = new LinkList();
theList.insertFirst(44); theList.insertFirst(66); theList.insertFirst(88); theList.displayList();
Link f
= theList.find(44); if( f != null) System.out.println("Found link with key " + f.iData); else System.out.println("Can't find link"); Link d = theList.delete(66); if( d != null ) System.out.println("Deleted link with key " + d.iData); else System.out.println("Can't delete link"); theList.displayList(); } }




// to run this program: C>java FirstLastApp
class Link
public long dData; public Link next; public Link(long d) { dData = d; } public void displayLink() { System.out.print(dData + " "); } }

//============================================ class FirstLastList { private Link first; private Link last; public FirstLastList() { first = null; last = null; } public boolean isEmpty() { return first==null; } public void insertFirst(long dd) { Link newLink = new Link(dd); if( !isEmpty() ) //链表不为空 {
= first; first = newLink; } else        //链表为空 { first = newLink; last = newLink; } } public void insertLast(long dd) { Link newLink = new Link(dd); if( !isEmpty() ) //链表不为空 { last.next = newLink; last = newLink; } else         //链表为空 { first = newLink; last = newLink; } } public Link deleteFirst() { if(!isEmpty())  //链表不为空 { Link temp = first; if(first.next == null) //链表只有一个元素 { first = null;
       last = null; } else        //链表元素的个数大于1 first = first.next; return temp; } else return null; } public void displayList() { System.out.print("List (first-->last): "); Link current = first; while(current != null) { current.displayLink(); current = current.next; } }
} //================================================== class FirstLastApp { public static void main(String[] args) { FirstLastList theList = new FirstLastList(); theList.insertFirst(22); theList.insertFirst(44); theList.insertFirst(66); theList.insertLast(11); theList.insertLast(33); theList.insertLast(55); theList.displayList(); theList.deleteFirst(); theList.deleteFirst(); theList.displayList(); } }


// to run this program: C>java SortedListApp
class Link { public long dData; public Link next; public Link(long dd) {
   dData = dd;
   next = null;
public void displayLink() { System.out.print(dData + " "); } }
class SortedList { private Link first; public SortedList() { first = null; } public boolean isEmpty() { return (first==null); } public void insert(long key) { Link newLink = new Link(key); Link previous = first; Link current = first; while(current != null && key > current.dData) { previous = current; current = current.next; } if(previous == null && current == null) //链表为空的情况插入   first = newLink; else if(current !=null && current == first)//链表非空,在链表头插入的情况 {   newLink.next = current;    first = newLink; } else //链表非空,在非链表头插入的情况 {    previous.next = newLink;    newLink.next = current; } } public Link remove() { if(!isEmpty()) {    Link temp = first;    first = first.next;    return temp; } else    return null; } public void displayList() { System.out.print("List (first-->last): "); Link current = first; while(current != null) { current.displayLink(); current = current.next; } }

class SortedListApp { public static void main(String[] args) { SortedList theSortedList = new SortedList(); theSortedList.insert(20); theSortedList.insert(40); theSortedList.displayList(); theSortedList.insert(10); theSortedList.insert(30); theSortedList.insert(50); theSortedList.displayList(); theSortedList.remove(); theSortedList.displayList(); }


// to run this program: C>java ListInsertionSortApp
class Link { public long dData; public Link next;
public Link(long dd) { dData = dd; } }
class SortedList { private Link first;
public SortedList() { first = null; } public SortedList(Link[] linkArr) { first = null; for(int j=0; j<linkArr.length; j++) insert( linkArr[j] ); } public void insert(Link k) { Link previous = null; Link current = first; while(current != null && k.dData > current.dData) { previous = current; current = current.next; } if(previous == null && current == null) //链表为空的情况插入    first = k; else if(current !=null && current == first)//链表非空,在链表头插入的情况 {    k.next = current; first = k; } else //链表非空,在非链表头插入的情况 {    previous.next = k; k.next = current; } } public Link remove() { Link temp = first; first = first.next; return temp; }
} // end class SortedList
class ListInsertionSortApp { public static void main(String[] args) { int size = 10; Link[] linkArray = new Link[size]; for(int j=0; j<size; j++) { int n = (int)(java.lang.Math.random()*99); Link newLink = new Link(n); linkArray[j] = newLink; } System.out.print("Unsorted array: "); for(int j=0; j<size; j++) System.out.print( linkArray[j].dData + " " ); System.out.println(""); SortedList theSortedList = new SortedList(linkArray); for(int j=0; j<size; j++) linkArray[j] = theSortedList.remove(); System.out.print("Sorted Array: "); for(int j=0; j<size; j++) System.out.print(linkArray[j].dData + " "); System.out.println(""); }


// to run this program: C>java DoublyLinkedApp
class Link
   public long dData;                 
   public Link next;                  
   public Link previous;             

   public Link(long d)               
   { dData = d; }

   public void displayLink()          
   { System.out.print(dData + " "); }

class DoublyLinkedList
   private Link first;              
   private Link last;               

   public DoublyLinkedList()        
      first = null;              
      last = null;

   public boolean isEmpty()        
   { return first==null; }

   public void insertFirst(long dd)  
      Link newLink = new Link(dd);   
      if(!isEmpty())        //链表不为空
        first.previous = newLink;
        newLink.next = first;
         first = newLink;
      else                   //链表为空
        last = newLink;
         first = newLink;

   public void insertLast(long dd)   
      Link newLink = new Link(dd); 
      if(!isEmpty())         //链表不为空
       last.next = newLink;
       newLink.previous = last;
       last = newLink;
      else                   //链表为空
       last = newLink;
       first = newLink;

   public Link deleteFirst()       
      if(!isEmpty())         //链表不为空
       Link temp = first;
       if(first.next == null)//链表只有一个元素
           first = null;
           last = null;
       {                   //链表的元素个数大于1
           first.next.previous = null;
           first = first.next;
       return temp;
      else                   //链表为空
       return null;  

   public Link deleteLast()         
      if(!isEmpty())         //链表不为空
       Link temp = last;
       if(first.next == null) //链表只有一个元素
           first = null;
           last = null;
       else             //链表的元素个数大于1
           last.previous.next = null;
           last = last.previous;
       return temp;
      else                  //链表为空
       return null;  

   public boolean insertAfter(long key, long dd)
      Link current = first;         
      while(current != null && current.dData != key)  
         current = current.next;
      if(current == null)   //链表为空
       return false;
Link newLink
= new Link(dd);
if(current==last) //链表不为空,在链表尾插入 { newLink.next = null;    newLink.previous = current; current.next = newLink; last = newLink;    return true; } else //链表不为空,在非链表尾插入 { newLink.next = current.next; current.next.previous = newLink;    newLink.previous = current;    current.next = newLink;    return true; } } public Link deleteKey(long key) { Link current = first; while(current != null && current.dData != key) { current = current.next; } if(current == null) //链表为空   return null; if(current == first && current == last)//链表只有一个元素的情况 {    first = null;    last = null; } else if(current == first && current != last)//链表元素大于一个,删第一个元素 {    first = first.next;    first.previous = null; } else if(current != first && current == last)//链表元素大于一个,删最后一个元素 {    last = last.previous;    last.next = null; } else //链表元素大于一个,删非第一个和非最后一个元素 {    current.previous.next = current.next;   current.next.previous = current.previous; } return current; } public void displayForward() { System.out.print("List (first-->last): "); Link current = first; while(current != null) { current.displayLink(); current = current.next; } System.out.println(""); } public void displayBackward() { System.out.print("List (last-->first): "); Link current = last; while(current != null) { current.displayLink(); current = current.previous; } System.out.println(""); } } //===================================================== class DoublyLinkedApp { public static void main(String[] args) { DoublyLinkedList theList = new DoublyLinkedList(); theList.insertFirst(22); theList.insertFirst(44); theList.insertFirst(66); theList.insertLast(11); theList.insertLast(33); theList.insertLast(55); theList.displayForward(); theList.displayBackward(); theList.deleteFirst(); theList.deleteLast(); theList.deleteKey(11); theList.displayForward(); theList.displayBackward(); theList.insertAfter(22, 77); theList.insertAfter(33, 88
); theList.displayForward(); } }


// to run this program: C>java InterIterApp
import java.io.*; 
class Link
   public long dData;        
   public Link next;        

   public Link(long dd)       
   { dData = dd; }

   public void displayLink()     
      { System.out.print(dData + " "); }

class LinkList
   private Link first;         

   public LinkList()             
   { first = null; }         

   public Link getFirst()        
   { return first; }

   public void setFirst(Link f)  
   { first = f; }

   public boolean isEmpty()     
   { return first==null; }

   public ListIterator getIterator()  
      return new ListIterator(this);  

   public void displayList()
      Link current = first;       
      while(current != null)      
         current = current.next;  

class ListIterator
   private Link current;       
   private Link previous;         
   private LinkList ourList;  

   public ListIterator(LinkList list) 
      ourList = list;

   public void reset()          
      current = ourList.getFirst();
      previous = null;

   public boolean atEnd()        
   { return (current.next==null); }

   public void nextLink()      
      previous = current;
      current = current.next;

   public Link getCurrent()       
   { return current; }

   public void insertAfter(long dd)    
      Link newLink = new Link(dd);

      if( ourList.isEmpty() )     
         current = newLink;
         newLink.next = current.next;
         current.next = newLink;

   public void insertBefore(long dd)    
      Link newLink = new Link(dd);

      if(previous == null)       
         newLink.next = ourList.getFirst();
         newLink.next = previous.next;
         previous.next = newLink;
         current = newLink;

   public long deleteCurrent()    
      long value = current.dData;
      if(previous == null)        
         previous.next = current.next;
         if( atEnd() )
            current = current.next;
      return value;

class InterIterApp
   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
      LinkList theList = new LinkList();       
      ListIterator iter1 = theList.getIterator(); 
      long value;


         System.out.print("Enter first letter of show, reset, ");
         System.out.print("next, get, before, after, delete: ");
         int choice = getChar();        
            case 's':                    
               if( !theList.isEmpty() )
                  System.out.println("List is empty");
            case 'r':                    
            case 'n':                   
               if( !theList.isEmpty() && !iter1.atEnd() )
                  System.out.println("Can't go to next link");
            case 'g':                   
               if( !theList.isEmpty() )
                  value = iter1.getCurrent().dData;
                  System.out.println("Returned " + value);
                  System.out.println("List is empty");
            case 'b':                    
               System.out.print("Enter value to insert: ");
               value = getInt();
            case 'a':                
               System.out.print("Enter value to insert: ");
               value = getInt();
            case 'd':                   
               if( !theList.isEmpty() )
                  value = iter1.deleteCurrent();
                  System.out.println("Deleted " + value);
                  System.out.println("Can't delete");
               System.out.println("Invalid entry");

   public static String getString() throws IOException
      InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(System.in);
      BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
      String s = br.readLine();
      return s;

   public static char getChar() throws IOException
      String s = getString();
      return s.charAt(0);

   public static int getInt() throws IOException
      String s = getString();
      return Integer.parseInt(s);