

import java.io.*;
class StackX { private int maxSize; private char[] stackArray; private int top; public StackX(int max) // constructor { maxSize = max; stackArray = new char[maxSize]; top = -1; } public void push(char j) // put item on top of stack { stackArray[++top] = j; } public char pop() // take item from top of stack { return stackArray[top--]; } public char peek() // peek at top of stack { return stackArray[top]; } public boolean isEmpty() // true if stack is empty { return (top == -1); } }

class Reverser
private String input; // input string private String output; // output string public Reverser(String in) // constructor { input = in; } public String doRev() // reverse the string { int stackSize = input.length(); // get max stack size StackX theStack = new StackX(stackSize); // make stack for(int j=0; j<input.length(); j++) { char ch = input.charAt(j); // get a char from input theStack.push(ch); // push it } output = ""; while( !theStack.isEmpty() ) { char ch = theStack.pop(); // pop a char, output = output + ch; // append to output } return output; } }
class ReverseApp { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { String input, output; while(true) { System.out.print("Enter a string: "); System.out.flush(); input = getString(); // read a string from kbd if( input.equals("") ) // quit if [Enter] break; Reverser theReverser = new Reverser(input); output = theReverser.doRev(); // use it System.out.println("Reversed: " + output); } }
public static String getString() throws IOException { InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(System.in); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); String s = br.readLine(); return s; }


// to run this program: C>java bracketsApp
import java.io.*;                 // for I/Oclass StackX
   private int maxSize;
   private char[] stackArray;
   private int top;
   public StackX(int s)       // constructor
      maxSize = s;
      stackArray = new char[maxSize];
      top = -1;
   public void push(char j)  // put item on top of stack
      stackArray[++top] = j;
   public char pop()         // take item from top of stack
      return stackArray[top--];
   public char peek()        // peek at top of stack
      return stackArray[top];
   public boolean isEmpty()    // true if stack is empty
      return (top == -1);
}  // end class StackX

class BracketChecker { private String input; // input string public BracketChecker(String in) // constructor { input = in; } public void check() { int stackSize = input.length(); // get max stack size StackX theStack = new StackX(stackSize); // make stack for(int j=0; j<input.length(); j++) // get chars in turn { char ch = input.charAt(j); // get char switch(ch) { case '{': // opening symbols case '[': case '(': theStack.push(ch); // push them break; case '}': // closing symbols case ']': case ')': if( !theStack.isEmpty() ) // if stack not empty, { char chx = theStack.pop(); // pop and check if( (ch=='}' && chx!='{') ||(ch==']' && chx!='[') ||(ch==')' && chx!='(') ) System.out.println("Error: "+ch+" at "+j); } else // prematurely empty System.out.println("Error: "+ch+" at "+j); break; default: break; } // end switch } // end for if( !theStack.isEmpty() ) System.out.println("Error: missing right delimiter"); else    System.out.println("Right"); } // end check() } // end class BracketChecker
class BracketsApp { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { String input; while(true) { System.out.print("Enter string containing delimiters: "); System.out.flush(); input = getString(); // read a string from kbd if( input.equals("") ) // quit if [Enter] break; BracketChecker theChecker = new BracketChecker(input); theChecker.check(); // check brackets } // end while } // end main() public static String getString() throws IOException {  InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(System.in);  BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);  String s = br.readLine();   return s; } } // end class BracketsApp







   i为'('时,直接将i push到栈中。


     如果s是'('或s为'+-*/'且优先级小于i,则先把s push到栈中,再把i push到栈中。


       优先级小于i或栈为空为止,最后将m push到栈中,再将i push到栈中。




// to run this program: C>java InfixApp
import java.io.*;            // for I/O
class StackX { private int maxSize; private char[] stackArray; private int top; public StackX(int s) // constructor { maxSize = s; stackArray = new char[maxSize]; top = -1; } public void push(char j) // put item on top of stack { stackArray[++top] = j; } public char pop() // take item from top of stack { return stackArray[top--]; } public char peek() // peek at top of stack { return stackArray[top]; } public boolean isEmpty() // true if stack is empty { return (top == -1); }
public int size() // return size { return top+1; }
public char peekN(int n) // return item at index n { return stackArray[n]; }
public void displayStack(String s) {   System.out.print(s);   System.out.print("Stack (bottom-->top): ");  for(int j=0; j<size(); j++) {  System.out.print( peekN(j) );  System.out.print(""); }   System.out.println(""); } } // end class StackX
class InToPost // infix to postfix conversion { private StackX theStack; private String input; private String output = ""; public InToPost(String in) // constructor {    input = in;    int stackSize = input.length();    theStack = new StackX(stackSize); } //-------------------------------------------------------------- public String doTrans() // do translation to postfix { for(int j=0; j<input.length(); j++) // for each char { char ch = input.charAt(j); // get it theStack.displayStack("For "+ch+" "); // *diagnostic* switch(ch) { case '+': // it's + or - case '-': gotOper(ch, 1); // go pop operators break; // (precedence 1) case '*': // it's * or / case '/': gotOper(ch, 2); // go pop operators break; // (precedence 2) case '(': // it's a left paren theStack.push(ch); // push it break; case ')': // it's a right paren gotParen(ch); // go pop operators break; default: // must be an operand output = output + ch; // write it to output break; } // end switch } // end for while( !theStack.isEmpty() ) // pop remaining opers { theStack.displayStack("While "); // *diagnostic* output = output + theStack.pop(); // write to output } theStack.displayStack("End "); // *diagnostic* return output; // return postfix } // end doTrans() //-------------------------------------------------------------- public void gotOper(char opThis, int prec1) { // got operator from input while( !theStack.isEmpty() ) { char opTop = theStack.pop(); if( opTop == '(' ) // if it's a '(' {   theStack.push(opTop); // restore '('   break; } else // it's an operator { int prec2; // precedence of new op if(opTop=='+' || opTop=='-') // find new op prec prec2 = 1; else prec2 = 2; if(prec2 < prec1) // if prec of new op less { // than prec of old    theStack.push(opTop); // save newly-popped op    break; } else // prec of new not less output = output + opTop; // than prec of old } // end else (it's an operator) } // end while theStack.push(opThis); // push new operator } // end gotOp() public void gotParen(char ch) { // got right paren from input while( !theStack.isEmpty() ) { char chx = theStack.pop(); if( chx == '(' ) // if popped '(' break; // we're done else // if popped operator output = output + chx; // output it } // end while } // end popOps() } // end class InToPost
class InfixApp { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { String input, output; while(true) { System.out.print("Enter infix: "); System.out.flush(); input = getString(); // read a string from kbd if( input.equals("") ) // quit if [Enter]    break;   InToPost theTrans = new InToPost(input);   output = theTrans.doTrans(); // do the translation   System.out.println("Postfix is " + output + ' '); } // end while } // end main()
public static String getString() throws IOException {   InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(System.in);    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);    String s = br.readLine();    return s; }
} // end class InfixApp




// to run this program: C>java PostfixApp
import java.io.*;              // for I/Oclass StackX
     private int maxSize;
     private int[] stackArray;
     private int top;
   public StackX(int size)      // constructor
        maxSize = size;
        stackArray = new int[maxSize];
        top = -1;
   public void push(int j)     // put item on top of stack
      { stackArray[++top] = j; }
   public int pop()            // take item from top of stack
      { return stackArray[top--]; }
   public int peek()           // peek at top of stack
      { return stackArray[top]; }
   public boolean isEmpty()    // true if stack is empty
      { return (top == -1); }
   public boolean isFull()     // true if stack is full
      { return (top == maxSize-1); }
   public int size()           // return size
      { return top+1; }
   public int peekN(int n)     // peek at index n
      { return stackArray[n]; }
   public void displayStack(String s)
      System.out.print("Stack (bottom-->top): ");
      for(int j=0; j<size(); j++)
         System.out.print( peekN(j) );
         System.out.print(' ');
   }  // end class StackXclass ParsePost
   private StackX theStack;
   private String input;
   public ParsePost(String s)
      { input = s; }
   public int doParse()
      theStack = new StackX(20);             // make new stack
      char ch;int num1, num2, interAns;
      for(int j=0; j<input.length(); j++)       // for each char,
           ch = input.charAt(j);              // read from input
           theStack.displayStack(""+ch+" ");  // *diagnostic*
           if(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')         // if it's a number
              theStack.push( (int)(ch-'0') ); //   push it
           else                               // it's an operator
                num2 = theStack.pop();          // pop operands
                num1 = theStack.pop();
                switch(ch)                      // do arithmetic
                     case '+':
                        interAns = num1 + num2;
                     case '-':
                        interAns = num1 - num2;
                     case '*':
                        interAns = num1 * num2;
                     case '/':
                        interAns = num1 / num2;
                        interAns = 0;
               }  // end switch
              theStack.push(interAns);        // push result
            }  // end else
         }  // end for
      interAns = theStack.pop();            // get answer
      return interAns;
      }  // end doParse()
   }  // end class ParsePost
class PostfixApp
   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
      String input;
      int output;
         System.out.print("Enter postfix: ");
         input = getString();         // read a string from kbd
        if( input.equals("") )       // quit if [Enter]
        ParsePost aParser = new ParsePost(input);
        output = aParser.doParse();  // do the evaluation
        System.out.println("Evaluates to " + output);
      }  // end while
   }  // end main()

   public static String getString() throws IOException
      InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(System.in);
      BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
       String s = br.readLine();
      return s;
} // end class PostfixApp


// to run this program: C>java LinkStackApp
class Link
   public long dData;             // data item
   public Link next;              // next link in list
   public Link(long dd)           // constructor
   { dData = dd; }
   public void displayLink()      // display ourself
   { System.out.print(dData + " "); }

//============================================================== class LinkList { private Link first; // ref to first item on list
public LinkList() // constructor { first = null; } // no items on list yet
public boolean isEmpty() // true if list is empty { return (first==null); }
public void insertFirst(long dd) // insert at start of list { // make new link Link newLink = new Link(dd); newLink.next = first; // newLink --> old first first = newLink; // first --> newLink }
public Long deleteFirst() // delete first item { // (assumes list not empty) if(!isEmpty()) { Link temp = first; first = first.next; return temp.dData; } else return null; }
public void displayList() { Link current = first; // start at beginning of list while(current != null) // until end of list, { current.displayLink(); // print data current = current.next; // move to next link } System.out.println(""); } } //============================================================== class LinkStack { private LinkList theList; public LinkStack() // constructor { theList = new LinkList(); } public void push(long j) // put item on top of stack { theList.insertFirst(j); } public Long pop() // take item from top of stack { return theList.deleteFirst(); } public boolean isEmpty() // true if stack is empty { return ( theList.isEmpty() ); } public void displayStack() { System.out.print("Stack (top-->bottom): "); theList.displayList(); } }

//============================================================== class LinkStackApp { public static void main(String[] args) { LinkStack theStack = new LinkStack(); // make stack theStack.push(20); // push items theStack.push(40); theStack.displayStack(); // display stack theStack.push(60); // push items theStack.push(80); theStack.displayStack(); // display stack theStack.pop(); // pop items theStack.pop(); theStack.displayStack(); // display stack }