大家都纷纷指出了 wp7 的优点 …

http://www.windowsphone7.com/ Windows Phone 7 终于快要和大家见面了! 下面是各路人士对它的评价:

Gizmodo says it's a neat, fresh start.

CNET thinks the hub system is wonderful

SlashGear says this is Microsoft's attempt to justify its existence in the mobile ecosystem.

ZDNet says Microsoft has a serious challenger entering the ring.

Engadget are extremely surprised and impressed by the software's touch responsiveness and speed.

Paul Thurrott calls it "Rock Solid",

Wired believes it has made "Major, major improvements".

Gartenberg thinks Microsoft’s done a very good job ... unlike anything on the market.

Boy Genius Report says it's a complete do over - but there could have been so much more done.

PC Magazine gets into the nitty gritty. And they really want us to nail down a ship date.

PC World says some stuff is great; other stuff is so-so.

但是很多人有一个 “但是。。。” 的评价,  是骡子是马, 还得拉出来溜溜。
