
在编程时发现“ipconfig /renew”这条命令不等价于XP/2003在网卡状态查看中提供的“修复”(Repair)按钮,renew或release参数只对DHCP获得的 IP有效。而要真正实现修复连接的功能,还需要其它的步骤。上网搜索发现有人写了个bat文件,能实现类似修复连接的功能:
@echo off
:: IPREPAIR.CMD - Attempt to repair the network connections
:: Written 12/16/03 by Rick Campbell

:: Determine what OS this script is running on.
if not "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" goto :end
ver | find "[Version 5" || goto :end

:: Clear environment variables
set dhcp=

:: Determine if client is dynamically or statically assigned an IP address
echo Determining if client is DHCP based...
for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%d in (
'netsh int ip sh add ^| find /i "DHCP"'
) do (
set dhcp=%%d

:: If client is dynamic, then release and renew the IP address
if /i "%dhcp%"=="Yes" (
echo Client is using DHCP - Renewing the DHCP Address lease...
ipconfig /release > nul
ipconfig /renew > nul
) else (
echo Client is statically assigned - leaving address untouched...

:: Flush the ARP, NetBIOS, and DNS cache's
echo Flushing the ARP Cache...
arp -d * > nul
echo Flushing the NetBIOS Cache...
nbtstat -R > nul
echo Flushing the DNS Cache...
ipconfig /flushdns > nul

:: Re-register the NetBIOS and Computer names with WINS and DNS
echo Re-registering the NetBIOS and Computer name with WINS and DNS...
nbtstat -RR > nul
ipconfig /registerdns > nul

goto :eof

echo This script is to be run on Windows 2000/XP/2003 Only!
