

最近要调研k8s,准备在生产环境中使用k8s。积累了很多资料, 后期也会写相关的文章来介绍我对k8s的理解 。以下是学习k8s一些不错的资源和文章, 请享用~~

[《Kubernetes与云原生应用》系列之Kubernetes的系统架构与设计理念](《Kubernetes与云原生应用》系列之Kubernetes的系统架构与设计理念) *****





[kubernetes中文文档](Kubernetes中文文档 · GitBook) *****

[kubernetes官方指南](Kubernetes - Guides) *****

[专注于k8s工具链的开源仓库](sextant · GitHub)

- sextant

- Fully automatic installation of CoreOS+Kubernetes clusters

- k8s-tensorflow

- vm-cluster

- experimental

- bigdata

- Run big data components on k8s

- kubernetes

- A practical and thus comprehensive guide to concepts in Kubernetes

- tls

- TLS完全指南

- ceph

- Ceph RBD

- k8s-yaml

- A collection of frequently used yaml files for Kubernetes pod, rc, service, and etc.

- coreos-cross-gfw

- bootstrapper

- Install CoreOS on bare metal machines

- vagrant-ceph-docker

- A demo of run ceph in docker

- cloud-configs

- Template and tool for generating distinct cloud-config file for each individual CoreOS installation.

- mac-to-host

- etcd

- Introduction to etcd

- heapster

- Compute Resource Usage Analysis and Monitoring of Container Clusters

- k8s-coreos-bare-metal

- Install k8s on coreos which is in a bare metal machine

- torus

- Torus Distributed Storage Presenting Torus: A modern distributed storage system by CoreOS

- hadoop

- systemd

- docs

- docs for getting started with k8sp

- catchup

- storm-docker

- storm docker image for full config enable

- vagrant-coreos

- Run Kubernetes and an nginx service on a Vagrant cluster of 3 CoreOS nodes.

- cuda

- vagrant

- issues

- We maintain a TODO list in Issues · k8sp/issues · GitHub

