yii源码二 -- interfaces


overview:This file contains core interfaces for Yii framework.

interface IApplicationComponent:all application components must implement。

interface ICache:must be implemented by cache components。

interface ICacheDependency:must be implemented by cache dependency classes.

interface IStatePersister:must be implemented by state persister classes.

interface IFilter:must be implemented by action filters.

interface IAction:must be implemented by controller actions.

interface IWebServiceProvider:may be implemented by Web service provider classes.

interface IViewRenderer:is implemented by a view renderer class.

interface IUserIdentity:is implemented by a user identity class.

interface IWebUser:is implemented by a user application component}.

interface IAuthManager:is implemented by an auth manager application component.

interface IBehavior:is implemented by all behavior classes.

interface IWidgetFactory:must be implemented by a widget factory class.

interface IDataProvider:must be implemented by data provider classes.

interface ILogFilter:must be implemented by log filters.
