


Objects are sticking to walls

Another challenge people are running into is that sometimes, slow-moving objects stick to walls or other objects that they should be bouncing off of. While it’s impossible to tell you exactly how to fix your problem in particular, here are some things you can look into:

Try adjusting the friction and bounce properties of your physics bodies. Since friction affects how “sticky” a surface is, and bounce affects how “bouncy” an object is, you might try playing with the bounce property of the moving object, and the friction property of the static object to see if that helps solve your problem.
Mentioned as a proposed solution to the previous problem, the physics.setVelocityIterations() and physics.setPositionIterations() functions might also help prevent objects from “sticking” to others unintentionally.
Finally, as a last resort, if tweaking properties and changing global physics settings doesn’t work for you, you could always add a collision listener to one of the objects, and apply a small amount of force (in the opposite direction of travel, to simulate a bounce) whenever a collision occurs. Of course, this is a workaround, so we highly recommend tweaking properties and settings first.
Don’t be reluctant to experiment!

Of course, the above was only a small handful of the most common issues people are having when it comes to getting things to behave how they want, but there are more. The best thing you could do to overcome these challenges is to strive to get a deeper understanding of how Box2D physics in Corona works.

To gain this understanding, I recommend opening one of the “Physics” sample code projects, such as Bullet, and play around with physics.setScale() to see how it affects the simulation. Additionally, play with the objects’ density, bounce, and other properties/functions (such as friction and physics.setVelocityIterations()) to get an even better understanding of how the various properties can affect your physical game world.



2.之前提到的解决办法,physics.setVelocityIterations() 和physics.setPositionIterations() 函数可能会阻止不经意的粘性。



Make sure your physics body's shape definition is no more than 8 points and is in a clockwise pattern. If not you will get sticky objects --Ansca Stafff

确认具有物理属性的对象定义没有超过8点(是对于线来说吗?)并且是顺时针方向的。如果没有这么做 ,对象将由粘性。


new API?
physics.setMKS( key, value) physics.getMKS( key )

The argument 'key' can be:
"velocityThreshold" (corresponds to b2_velocityThreshold)
"timeToSleep" (corresponds to b2_timeToSleep)
"linearSleepTolerance" (corresponds to b2_linearSleepTolerance)
"angularSleepTolerance" (corresponds to b2_angularSleepTolerance)
These will be available in build 700 (or after, if 700 fails to post)
