S+ hidden tray with window start


I forgot that this is supported in the code, but it requires a little editing of the config or a special sequence.

Open S+, use the hotkey to hide the tray icon, then acExit() or CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+WIN+End to exit S+, that will remember that the icon was hidden.

The setting in StrokesPlus.xml is TrayIconVisible, 0 = hidden. Clearly, this would be better as an option in the Preferences window..I'll add that sometime soon.

Actually, with the addition of sp_init() in Global Lua and the changes to acToggleTrayIcon, I don't see a need to add this as a preference.



1. 设置 显示/隐藏trayIcon 的快捷键.

2.设置 退出 S+的快捷键

3.先隐藏 trayIcon(使用设置的隐藏快捷键),然后在隐藏的状态下退出S+(使用设置的退出快捷键).


在隐藏的情况下,怎么显示菜单. 直接使用 当时设置的显示/隐藏的快捷键即可 .(比如我设置的是 shift+control+window+S)


