var supportedNetworkLevels : String[] = [ "mylevel" ];//关卡名的数组
var disconnectedLevel : String = "loader";//没有连接上服务进入的空关卡名

// Keep track of the last level prefix (increment each time a new level loads)
private var lastLevelPrefix = 0;

function Awake ()
 // Network level loading is done in a seperate channel.
 DontDestroyOnLoad(this); = 1;//这个还不是很了解

function OnGUI ()
 // When network is running (server or client) then display the levels
 // configured in the supportedNetworkLevels array and allow them to be loaded
 // at the push of a button
 if (Network.peerType != NetworkPeerType.Disconnected)
  GUILayout.BeginArea(Rect(0, Screen.height - 30, Screen.width, 30));
  for (var level in supportedNetworkLevels)//遍历关卡的数组、这个是在外部接口自己填写
   if (GUILayout.Button(level))
    // Make sure no old RPC calls are buffered and then send load level command
    // Load level with incremented level prefix (for view IDs)
    networkView.RPC( "LoadLevel", RPCMode.AllBuffered, level, lastLevelPrefix + 1);

function LoadLevel (level : String, levelPrefix : int)
 Debug.Log("Loading level " + level + " with prefix " + levelPrefix);
 lastLevelPrefix = levelPrefix;

 // There is no reason to send any more data over the network on the default channel,
 // because we are about to load the level, thus all those objects will get deleted anyway
 Network.SetSendingEnabled(0, false); 

 // We need to stop receiving because first the level must be loaded.
 // Once the level is loaded, RPC's and other state update attached to objects in the level are allowed to fire
 Network.isMessageQueueRunning = false;
 // All network views loaded from a level will get a prefix into their NetworkViewID.
 // This will prevent old updates from clients leaking into a newly created scene.

 // Allow receiving data again
 Network.isMessageQueueRunning = true;
 // Now the level has been loaded and we can start sending out data
 Network.SetSendingEnabled(0, true);

 // Notify our objects that the level and the network is ready
 for (var go in FindObjectsOfType(GameObject))
  go.SendMessage("OnNetworkLoadedLevel", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); 

function OnDisconnectedFromServer ()

@script RequireComponent(NetworkView)
