RabbitMQ 3.0.3 发布,高级消息队列服务

基于Erlang的高级消息队列RabbitMQ 3.0.3 发布。2013-03-06 之前版本是2013-01-31的3.0.2 主要是bug 修复。


Release: RabbitMQ 3.0.3

bug fixes
25457 fix connection failure to start reading again in rare circumstances
      when coming out of flow control
25419 ensure invocation of "rabbitmqctl stop_app" during server startup
      on a fresh node does not leave a corrupted Mnesia schema
25448 ensure messages expire immediately when reaching the head of a queue
      after basic.get
25456 ensure parameters and policies for a vhost are removed with that vhost
25465 do not log spurious errors for connections that close very early
25443 ensure "rabbitmqctl forget_cluster_node" removes durable queue records
      for unmirrored queues on the forgotten node
25435 declare dependency on xmerl in rabbit application

Windows packaging
bug fixes
25453 make rabbitmq-plugins.bat take note of %RABBITMQ_SERVICENAME%

management plugin
bug fixes
25472 clean up connection and channel records from nodes that have crashed
25432 do not show 404 errors when rabbitmq_federation_management
      is installed and rabbitmq_federation is not

mqtt plugin
bug fixes
25469 ensure the reader process hibernates when idle

