LATeX 插入脚注

LATeX 插入脚注:

使用  footnote{...注释内容} 命令:

To maximize the lower-bound in $Equ.3$ we employ conjugate gradient method.

We first fix all latent vectors for the item $footnote{We use the supscript $t$ for parameters in the $t^{th}$ round}$,
 and apply  $ log sum_k u_k i_k geq frac{sum_k i_k log u_k}{sum_k i_k} + log sum_k i_k,forall i_k geq 0.$
Let's compute $c^t(d,i,j)=sum_k u_k^ti_k^t + sum_k u_k^tj_k^t$,$c_k^t(d,i,j)=frac{i_k^t + j_k^t}{c^t(d,i,j)}$, 
and $ f_k^t(d,i)=frac{i_k^t}{sum_k i_k^t} $ 
for all pairwise ranking observations in $d$ using the $t$-th round parameters, we have  

