vhdl uart

  1 -------------------------------------------------------
  2 -- Design Name : uart_vhdl 
  3 -- File Name   : uart_vhdl.vhd
  4 -- Function    : Simple UART
  5 -- Coder       : Deepak Kumar Tala (Verilog)
  6 -- Translator  : Alexander H Pham (VHDL)
  7 -------------------------------------------------------
  8 library ieee;
  9 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
 10 use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
 12 entity uart_vhdl is
 13   port (
 14     reset       : in  std_logic;
 15     txclk       : in  std_logic;
 16     ld_tx_data  : in  std_logic;
 17     tx_data     : in  std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
 18     tx_enable   : in  std_logic;
 19     tx_out      : out std_logic;
 20     tx_empty    : out std_logic;
 21     rxclk       : in  std_logic;
 22     uld_rx_data : in  std_logic;
 23     rx_data     : out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
 24     rx_enable   : in  std_logic;
 25     rx_in       : in  std_logic;
 26     rx_empty    : out std_logic
 27   );
 28 end entity;
 29 architecture rtl of uart_vhdl is
 30     -- Internal Variables
 31   signal tx_reg        : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
 32   signal tx_over_run   : std_logic;
 33   signal tx_cnt        : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
 34   signal rx_reg        : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
 35   signal rx_sample_cnt : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
 36   signal rx_cnt        : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
 37   signal rx_frame_err  : std_logic;
 38   signal rx_over_run   : std_logic;
 39   signal rx_d1         : std_logic;
 40   signal rx_d2         : std_logic;
 41   signal rx_busy       : std_logic;
 42   signal rx_is_empty   : std_logic;
 43   signal tx_is_empty   : std_logic;
 44 begin
 45     -- UART RX Logic
 46   process (rxclk, reset) begin
 47     if (reset = '1') then
 48       rx_reg        <= (others => '0');
 49       rx_data       <= (others => '0');
 50       rx_sample_cnt <= (others => '0');
 51       rx_cnt        <= (others => '0');
 52       rx_frame_err  <= '0';
 53       rx_over_run   <= '0';
 54       rx_is_empty   <= '1';
 55       rx_d1         <= '1';
 56       rx_d2         <= '1';
 57       rx_busy       <= '0';
 58     elsif (rising_edge(rxclk)) then
 59             -- Synchronize the asynch signal
 60       rx_d1 <= rx_in;
 61       rx_d2 <= rx_d1;
 62             -- Uload the rx data
 63       if (uld_rx_data = '1') then
 64         rx_data     <= rx_reg;
 65         rx_is_empty <= '1';
 66       end if;
 67             -- Receive data only when rx is enabled
 68       if (rx_enable = '1') then
 69                 -- Check if just received start of frame
 70         if (rx_busy = '0' and rx_d2 = '0') then
 71           rx_busy       <= '1';
 72           rx_sample_cnt <= X"1";
 73           rx_cnt        <= X"0";
 74         end if;
 75                 -- Start of frame detected, Proceed with rest of data
 76         if (rx_busy = '1') then
 77           rx_sample_cnt <= rx_sample_cnt + 1;
 78                     -- Logic to sample at middle of data
 79           if (rx_sample_cnt = 7) then
 80             if ((rx_d2 = '1') and (rx_cnt = 0)) then
 81               rx_busy <= '0';
 82             else
 83               rx_cnt <= rx_cnt + 1;
 84                             -- Start storing the rx data
 85               if (rx_cnt > 0 and rx_cnt < 9) then
 86                 rx_reg(conv_integer(rx_cnt) - 1) <= rx_d2;
 87               end if;
 88               if (rx_cnt = 9) then
 89                 rx_busy <= '0';
 90                                 -- Check if End of frame received correctly
 91                 if (rx_d2 = '0') then
 92                   rx_frame_err <= '1';
 93                 else
 94                   rx_is_empty  <= '0';
 95                   rx_frame_err <= '0';
 96                                     -- Check if last rx data was not unloaded,
 97                   if (rx_is_empty = '1') then
 98                     rx_over_run <= '0';
 99                   else
100                     rx_over_run <= '1';
101                   end if;
102                 end if;
103               end if;
104             end if;
105           end if;
106         end if;
107       end if;
108       if (rx_enable = '0') then
109         rx_busy <= '0';
110       end if;
111     end if;
112   end process;
113   rx_empty <= rx_is_empty;
115     -- UART TX Logic
116   process (txclk, reset) begin
117     if (reset = '1') then
118       tx_reg      <= (others => '0');
119       tx_is_empty <= '1';
120       tx_over_run <= '0';
121       tx_out      <= '1';
122       tx_cnt      <= (others => '0');
123     elsif (rising_edge(txclk)) then
125       if (ld_tx_data = '1') then
126         if (tx_is_empty = '0') then
127           tx_over_run <= '0';
128         else
129           tx_reg      <= tx_data;
130           tx_is_empty <= '0';
131         end if;
132       end if;
133       if (tx_enable = '1' and tx_is_empty = '0') then
134         tx_cnt <= tx_cnt + 1;
135         if (tx_cnt = 0) then
136           tx_out <= '0';
137         end if;
138         if (tx_cnt > 0 and tx_cnt < 9) then
139           tx_out <= tx_reg(conv_integer(tx_cnt) -1);
140         end if;
141         if (tx_cnt = 9) then
142           tx_out      <= '1';
143           tx_cnt      <= X"0";
144           tx_is_empty <= '1';
145         end if;
146       end if;
147       if (tx_enable = '0') then
148         tx_cnt <= X"0";
149       end if;
150     end if;
151   end process;
152   tx_empty <= tx_is_empty;
154 end architecture;
