ABP的数据过滤器(Data Filters)

我们在数据库开发中,一般会运用软删除 (soft delete)模式 ,即不直接从数据库删除数据 ,而是标记这笔数据为已删除。因此 ,如果实体被软删除了,那么它就应该不会在应用程序中被检索到。要达到这种效果 ,我们需要在每次检索实体的查询语句上添加 SQL的 Where条件 IsDeleted = false 。这是个乏味的工作 。但它是个容易被忘掉的事情。因此 ,我们应该要有个自动的机制来处理这些问题 。
ABP 提供数据过滤器 (Data filters),它使用 自动化的,基于规则的过滤查询。
publicclass Person : Entity, ISoftDelete
    publicvirtualstring Name { get; set; }

    publicvirtualbool IsDeleted { get; set; }
publicclass MyService
    privatereadonly IRepository<Person> _personRepository;

    publicMyService(IRepository<Person> personRepository)
        _personRepository = personRepository;

    public List<Person> GetPeople()
        return _personRepository.GetAllList();
GetPeople method only gets Person entities which has IsDeleted = false (not deleted). All repository methods and also navigation properties properly works. We could add some other Where conditions, joins.. etc. It will automatically add IsDeleted = false condition properly to the generated SQL query.
A side note: If you implement IDeletionAudited (which extends ISoftDelete) then deletion time and deleter user id are also automatically set by ASP.NET Boilerplate.
publicclass Product : IMustHaveTenant
    publicvirtualint TenantId { get; set; }
    publicvirtualstring Name { get; set; }
If current user is not logged in to the system or current user is a host user (Host user is an upper level user that can manage tenants and tenant datas), ASP.NET Boilerplate automatically disables IMustHaveTenant filter. Thus, all data of all tenant's can be retrieved to the application. Notice that this is not about security, you should always authorize sensitive data.
publicclass Product : IMayHaveTenant
    publicvirtualint? TenantId { get; set; }
    publicvirtualstring Name { get; set; }
If an entity class shared by tenants and the host (that means an entity object may be owned by a tenant or the host), you can use IMayHaveTenant filter.
null value means this is a host entity, a non-null value means this entity owned by a tenant which's Id is the TenantId. ASP.NET Boilerplate uses IAbpSession to get current TenantId. IMayHaveTenant filter is not common as much as IMustHaveTenant. But you may need it for common structures used by host and tenants.
var people1 = _personRepository.GetAllList();

using (_unitOfWorkManager.Current.DisableFilter(AbpDataFilters.SoftDelete))
    var people2 = _personRepository.GetAllList();                

var people3 = _personRepository.GetAllList();
CurrentUnitOfWork.SetFilterParameter("PersonFilter", "personId", 42);
CurrentUnitOfWork.SetFilterParameter(AbpDataFilters.MayHaveTenant, AbpDataFilters.Parameters.TenantId, 42);


publicinterface IHasPerson
    int PersonId { get; set; }


publicclass Phone : Entity, IHasPerson
    publicvirtual Person Person { get; set; }
    publicvirtualint PersonId { get; set; }

    publicvirtualstring Number { get; set; }

重写DbContext类中的OnModelCreating 方法(用的EntityFramework.DynamicFilters,参考https://github.com/jcachat/EntityFramework.DynamicFilters):

protectedoverridevoidOnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)

    modelBuilder.Filter("PersonFilter", (IHasPerson entity, int personId) => entity.PersonId == personId, 0);

"PersonFilter" is the unique name of the filter here. Second parameter defines filter interface and personId filter parameter (not needed if filter is not parametric), last parameter is the default value of the personId.


Configuration.UnitOfWork.RegisterFilter("PersonFilter", false);

First parameter is same unique name we defined before. Second parameter indicates whether this filter is enabled or disabled by default. After declaring such a parametric filter, we can use it by supplying it's value on runtime.

using (CurrentUnitOfWork.EnableFilter("PersonFilter"))
    CurrentUnitOfWork.SetFilterParameter("PersonFilter", "personId", 42);
    var phones = _phoneRepository.GetAllList();