
public static void Matrix_PrintOut()
    Editor ed = MgdAcApplication.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;
    Database db = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase;
        Matrix3d identityMatrix = Matrix3d.Identity; //单位矩阵
The identity matrix is: 
", identityMatrix );
        Plane plane = new Plane(new Point3d(10, 0, 0), new Vector3d(1, 1, 1));
        Point3d point1 = new Point3d(5, 3, 1);
        Point3d point2 = new Point3d(10, 20, 30);
        Vector3d normal = new Vector3d(1, 2, 3);
        Vector3d vector = new Vector3d(10, 10, 10);
        Matrix3d movementMatrix = Matrix3d.Displacement(vector);
The movement matrix is: 
", movementMatrix);
Matrix3d rotationMatrix
= Matrix3d.Rotation(Math.PI / 4, Vector3d.ZAxis, point1); ed.WriteMessage(" The rotation matrix is: {0} ", rotationMatrix); //绕原点缩放矩阵
Matrix3d scaleAroundOriginMatrix
= Matrix3d.Scaling(2, Point3d.Origin); ed.WriteMessage(" The scaleAroundOrigin matrix is: {0} ", scaleAroundOriginMatrix); //绕点pt1旋转矩阵
Matrix3d scaleAroundPointMatrix
= Matrix3d.Scaling(2, point1); ed.WriteMessage(" The scaleAroundPoint matrix is: {0} ", scaleAroundPointMatrix); //点镜像矩阵
Matrix3d pointMirrorMatrix
= Matrix3d.Mirroring(point1); ed.WriteMessage(" The pointMirror matrix is: {0} ", pointMirrorMatrix); //线镜像矩阵
Matrix3d lineMirrorMatrix
= Matrix3d.Mirroring(new Line3d(point1, point2)); ed.WriteMessage(" The lineMirror matrix is: {0} ", lineMirrorMatrix); //面镜像矩阵
Matrix3d planeMirrorMatrix
= Matrix3d.Mirroring(plane); ed.WriteMessage(" The planeMirror matrix is: {0} ", planeMirrorMatrix); //复合矩阵
Matrix3d compondMatrix
= movementMatrix.PostMultiplyBy(rotationMatrix) .PostMultiplyBy(scaleAroundPointMatrix) .PostMultiplyBy(lineMirrorMatrix); ed.WriteMessage(" The compond matrix is: {0} ", compondMatrix); //投影矩阵 Matrix3d projectionMatrix = Matrix3d.Projection(plane, normal); ed.WriteMessage(" The projection matrix is: {0} ", projectionMatrix);
     Matrix3d planeToWorld1
= Matrix3d.PlaneToWorld(plane); ed.WriteMessage(" The planeToWorld1 matrix is: {0} ", planeToWorld1);
     Matrix3d planeToWorld2
= Matrix3d.PlaneToWorld(normal); ed.WriteMessage(" The planeToWorld2 matrix is: {0} ", planeToWorld2);
     Matrix3d worldToPlane1
= Matrix3d.WorldToPlane(plane); ed.WriteMessage(" The worldToPlane1 matrix is: {0} ", worldToPlane1);
    Matrix3d worldToPlane2
= Matrix3d.WorldToPlane(normal); ed.WriteMessage(" The worldToPlane2 matrix is: {0} ", worldToPlane2); Matrix3d alignmentCS = Matrix3d.AlignCoordinateSystem( Point3d.Origin, Vector3d.XAxis, Vector3d.YAxis, Vector3d.ZAxis, point1, Vector3d.YAxis, Vector3d.ZAxis, Vector3d.XAxis); ed.WriteMessage(" The alignmentCS matrix is: {0} ", alignmentCS); } catch (System.Exception ex) { ed.WriteMessage(ex.ToString()); } }

Here is the output:

Command: Matrix_PrintOut

The identity matrix is:

The movement matrix is:

The rotation matrix is:

The scaleAroundOrigin matrix is:

The scaleAroundPoint matrix is:

The pointMirror matrix is:

The lineMirror matrix is:

The planeMirror matrix is:

The compond matrix is:

The projection matrix is:

The planeToWorld1 matrix is:

The planeToWorld2 matrix is:

The worldToPlane1 matrix is:

The worldToPlane2 matrix is:

The alignmentCS matrix is:


The code and the output here just give some ideas about what kind of transformations (in fact pretty everthing) that the AutoCAD .NET Matrix provides us. In terms of what they really indicate, they will be discussed and demonstrated in coming posts. Please stay tuned.

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