HOJ 2713 Matrix1


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  Source : Classical Problem
  Time limit : 5 sec   Memory limit : 64 M

Submitted : 424, Accepted : 129

Lilu0355 is a thoughtful boy and always plays a classical mathematic game.The game plays like that, there is a n * m matrix, each grid of this matrix is filled with a non-negative number. You should remove some numbers from the matrix and make sure that any two numbers removed are not adjacent in the matrix. What is the biggest sum of those removed numbers? Lilu can always find the answer, can you?


The first line is a integer T indicating the number of test cases.T cases fllows. Each case includs two integers n, m(m ≤ 50,n ≤ 50) and n * m non-negative integers, which is not more than 40000.


For each test case, output the biggest sum.

Sample Input

3 2
180 25
210 45
220 100

Sample Output
