

  1. 确定待修补的边界
  2. 计算边界的优先级,确定优先修补的patch
  3. 从周围已知区域选择和待修补patch最相似的patch,并填充待修补patch
  4. 如果待修补区域已经全部填充,结束。否则回到2。


using ElementType = struct {
    int flag;
    float confidence;

static float compute_confidence(const long x, const long y, const int radius, const unique_ptr<ElementType[]>& sET,  const long Width, const long Height)
    float confidence = 0;
    long hstart = max(0, y - radius), hend = min(Height, y + radius + 1);
    long wstart = max(0, x - radius), wend = min(Width, x + radius + 1);
    long offset = hstart * Width;
    for (long m = hstart; m < hend; ++m)
        for (long n = wstart; n < wend; ++n)
            if (sET[offset + n].confidence != 0.0f)
                confidence += sET[offset + n].confidence;
        offset += Width;
    confidence /= (hend - hstart) * (wend - wstart);
    return confidence;

static float compute_dataterm(const long x, const long y, const unique_ptr<BYTE[]>& sY, const unique_ptr<ElementType[]>& sET, const long Width, const long Height)
    float gradIx = 0, gradIy = 0;
    long coff = y * Width + x;
    float gradNx = 0.0f, gradNy = 0.0f;
    long hstart = max(0, y - 1), hend = min(Height, y + 2);
    long wstart = max(0, x - 1), wend = min(Width, x + 2);
    long offset = hstart * Width;
    for (long m = hstart; m < hend; ++m)
        int dy = m - y;
        for (long n = wstart; n < wend; ++n)
            int dx = n - x;
            if (sET[offset + n].flag != INSIDE)
                int dl = sY[offset + n] - sY[coff];
                if (dx && dy) {
                    gradIx += (0.5f * sqrtf(2) * dl) / dx;
                    gradIy += (0.5f * sqrtf(2) * dl) / dy;
                else if (dx) {
                    gradIx += dl / dx;
                else if (dy) {
                    gradIy += dl / dy;
            else {
                gradNx += dx;
                gradNy += dy;
        offset += Width;
    // rotate (gradIx, gradIy) 90 degree
        float temp = -gradIy;
        gradIy = gradIx;
        gradIx = temp;
    // normalize gradN
    if (gradNx != 0.0f || gradNy != 0.0f)
        float mag = sqrtf(gradNx * gradNx + gradNy * gradNy);
        gradNx /= mag;
        gradNy /= mag;
    float dataterm = abs(gradIx * gradNx + gradIy * gradNy) / 255.0f;
    return dataterm;

BOOL CDibProcess::ExemplarInpaint(CDibMask* pDibMask, const int radius, const int search_radius)
    CRect* pRect = nullptr;
    CRect Mask;
    unique_ptr<BYTE[]> sMask;
    if (pDibMask)
        pRect = &Mask;
        return FALSE;

    long i, j;
    const long Width = GetWidth();
    const long Height = GetHeight();

    long Hstart, Hend, Wstart, Wend;
    long len;

    if (pRect->top < 0) pRect->top = 0;
    if (pRect->left < 0) pRect->left = 0;
    if (pRect->bottom > Height) pRect->bottom = Height;
    if (pRect->right > Width) pRect->right = Width;
    Hstart = pRect->top;
    Hend = pRect->bottom;
    Wstart = pRect->left;
    Wend = pRect->right;
    ASSERT(Hstart >= 0 && Hstart <= Hend && Hend <= Height);
    ASSERT(Wstart >= 0 && Wstart <= Wend && Wend <= Width);

    unique_ptr<BYTE[]> sRed, sGreen, sBlue;
    if (GetRGB(sRed, sGreen, sBlue, &len) == FALSE) return FALSE;
    unique_ptr<BYTE[]> sLum(new BYTE[len]);
    for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
        sLum[i] = RGB2Y(sRed[i], sGreen[i], sBlue[i]);
    unique_ptr<BYTE[]> sL(new BYTE[len]), sA(new BYTE[len]), sB(new BYTE[len]);
    for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
        RGB2LAB(sRed[i], sGreen[i], sBlue[i], sL[i], sA[i], sB[i]);

    // initialize
    unique_ptr<ElementType[]> sET(new ElementType[len]);
    BYTE* pm = sMask.get();
    for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
        if (*pm++ == 0)
            sET[i].flag = KNOWN;
            sET[i].confidence = 1.0f;
            sET[i].flag = INSIDE;
            sET[i].confidence = 0.0f;
    // initialize fill front
    multimap<float, CPoint, greater<float>> fill_front;        // <priority, position>
    long hstart = max(0, Hstart - 1), hend = min(Height, Hend + 1);
    long wstart = max(0, Wstart - 1), wend = min(Width, Wend + 1);
    BYTE *start_off = sMask.get() + hstart * Width + wstart;
    for (i = hstart; i < hend; ++i)
        pm = start_off;
        for (j = wstart; j < wend; ++j)
            if (*pm == 0) {
                // check 4 connected pixels
                if (i - 1 >= 0 && *(pm - Width)
                    || j - 1 >= 0 && *(pm - 1)
                    || j + 1 < Width && *(pm + 1)
                    || i + 1 < Height && *(pm + Width))
                    // fill front, compute priority = confidence * dataterm
                    float confidence = compute_confidence(j, i, radius, sET, Width, Height);
                    float dataterm = compute_dataterm(j, i, sLum, sET, Width, Height);
                    fill_front.emplace(confidence * dataterm, CPoint(j, i));
                else {
                    // known
            else {
                // inside
        start_off += Width;
    if (fill_front.size() == 0) return FALSE;
    while (fill_front.size())
        auto it = fill_front.begin();        // point to the highest priority
        CPoint point = it->second;
        // determine the patch rect certered by point
        CRect patch_rect(point.x - radius, point.y - radius, point.x + radius + 1, point.y + radius + 1);
        patch_rect.IntersectRect(patch_rect, CRect(0, 0, Width, Height));
        // serach the exemplar that minimizes distance to patch_rect
        float min_distance = 1e20f;
        CRect min_rect;
        const long patch_width = patch_rect.Width(), patch_height = patch_rect.Height();
        bool valid_fill_front_pixel = true;
        long search_hstart = max(0, point.y - search_radius), search_hend = min(Height, point.y + search_radius + 1) - patch_height;
        long search_wstart = max(0, point.x - search_radius), search_wend = min(Width, point.x + search_radius + 1) - patch_width;
        for (i = search_hstart; i < search_hend; ++i)
            for (j = search_wstart; j < search_wend; ++j)
                long offset = i * Width + j;
                long patch_offset = patch_rect.top * Width + patch_rect.left;
                float d_sum = 0;
                long total = 0;
                bool valid = true;
                for (long m = 0; m < patch_height; ++m)
                    for (long n = 0; n < patch_width; ++n)
                        if (sET[offset + n].flag != INSIDE)
                            if (sET[patch_offset + n].flag != INSIDE)
                                int dx = sL[offset + n] - sL[patch_offset + n];
                                int dy = sA[offset + n] - sA[patch_offset + n];
                                int dz = sB[offset + n] - sB[patch_offset + n];
                                int dx = sRed[offset + n] - sRed[patch_offset + n];
                                int dy = sGreen[offset + n] - sGreen[patch_offset + n];
                                int dz = sBlue[offset + n] - sBlue[patch_offset + n];
                                d_sum += sqrtf(float(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz));
                            // jump out of the double loop
                            m = patch_height;
                            valid = false;
                    offset += Width;
                    patch_offset += Width;
                if (valid)
                    if (total == patch_height * patch_width)
                        // the point is not a fill front point
                        valid_fill_front_pixel = false;
                        i = Height - patch_height;
                    float distance = d_sum / (float)total;
                    if (distance < min_distance)
                        min_distance = distance;
                        min_rect.SetRect(j, i, j + patch_width, i + patch_height);
                    else if (distance == min_distance) {
                        float ph_distance = sqrtf(float((patch_rect.top - i) * (patch_rect.top - i) + (patch_rect.left - j) * (patch_rect.left - j)));
                        float min_rect_ph_distance = sqrtf(float((patch_rect.top - min_rect.top) * (patch_rect.top - min_rect.top) + (patch_rect.left - min_rect.left) * (patch_rect.left - min_rect.left)));
                        if (ph_distance < min_rect_ph_distance) {
                            min_distance = distance;
                            min_rect.SetRect(j, i, j + patch_width, i + patch_height);
        if (!valid_fill_front_pixel) continue;        // directly go to next fill front pixel
        if (min_distance == 1e20f)        // in case the search radius is too small to find a match patch
            return FALSE;
        // found the rect with minimum distance, then copy
            long offset = min_rect.top * Width + min_rect.left;
            long patch_offset = patch_rect.top * Width + patch_rect.left;
            TRACE(TEXT("fill front (%d, %d), copy [%d, %d, %d, %d] -> [%d, %d, %d, %d], offset %d -> %d
"), point.x, point.y,
                min_rect.left, min_rect.top, min_rect.right, min_rect.bottom,
                patch_rect.left, patch_rect.top, patch_rect.right, patch_rect.bottom, offset, patch_offset);
            for (i = 0; i < patch_height; ++i)
                for (j = 0; j < patch_width; ++j)
                    if (sET[patch_offset + j].flag == INSIDE)
                        sRed[patch_offset + j] = sRed[offset + j];
                        sGreen[patch_offset + j] = sGreen[offset + j];
                        sBlue[patch_offset + j] = sBlue[offset + j];
                        sL[patch_offset + j] = sL[offset + j];
                        sA[patch_offset + j] = sA[offset + j];
                        sB[patch_offset + j] = sB[offset + j];
                        sLum[patch_offset + j] = sLum[offset + j];
                        sET[patch_offset + j].flag = KNOWN;
                offset += Width;
                patch_offset += Width;
            // use the updated confidence at point to update the each pixel confidence in the patch
            float confidence = compute_confidence(point.x, point.y, radius, sET, Width, Height);
            patch_offset = patch_rect.top * Width + patch_rect.left;
            for (i = 0; i < patch_height; ++i)
                for (j = 0; j < patch_width; ++j)
                    if (sET[patch_offset + j].confidence == 0.0f)
                        sET[patch_offset + j].confidence = confidence;
                patch_offset += Width;
        // update fill front priorities
            // first remove the fill front pixels inside the patch
            for (it = fill_front.begin(); it != fill_front.end(); ++it)
                point = it->second;
                if (patch_rect.PtInRect(point))
                    it = fill_front.erase(it);
                    if (it == fill_front.end()) break;
            // then add new pixels to fill front from possible 4 sides of the patch
            i = patch_rect.top;
            j = patch_rect.left + 1;
            long patch_offset = i * Width + j;
            if (i - 1 >= 0) {
                for (; j < patch_rect.right - 1; ++j)
                    if (sET[patch_offset - Width].flag == INSIDE)
                        float dataterm = compute_dataterm(j, i, sLum, sET, Width, Height);
                        fill_front.emplace(sET[patch_offset].confidence * dataterm, CPoint(j, i));
            i = patch_rect.bottom - 1;
            j = patch_rect.left + 1;
            patch_offset = i * Width + j;
            if (i + 1 < Height) {
                for (; j < patch_rect.right - 1; ++j)
                    if (sET[patch_offset + Width].flag == INSIDE)
                        float dataterm = compute_dataterm(j, i, sLum, sET, Width, Height);
                        fill_front.emplace(sET[patch_offset].confidence * dataterm, CPoint(j, i));
            i = patch_rect.top + 1;
            j = patch_rect.left;
            patch_offset = i * Width + j;
            if (j - 1 >= 0) {
                for (; i < patch_rect.bottom - 1; ++i)
                    if (sET[patch_offset - 1].flag == INSIDE)
                        float dataterm = compute_dataterm(j, i, sLum, sET, Width, Height);
                        fill_front.emplace(sET[patch_offset].confidence * dataterm, CPoint(j, i));
                    patch_offset += Width;
            i = patch_rect.top + 1;
            j = patch_rect.right - 1;
            patch_offset = i * Width + j;
            if (j + 1 < Width) {
                for (; i < patch_rect.bottom - 1; ++i)
                    if (sET[patch_offset + 1].flag == INSIDE)
                        float dataterm = compute_dataterm(j, i, sLum, sET, Width, Height);
                        fill_front.emplace(sET[patch_offset].confidence * dataterm, CPoint(j, i));
                    patch_offset += Width;
            // then 4 corner pixels
            i = patch_rect.top;
            j = patch_rect.left;
            patch_offset = i * Width + j;
            if (i - 1 >= 0 && sET[patch_offset - Width].flag == INSIDE
                || j - 1 >= 0 && sET[patch_offset - 1].flag == INSIDE)
                float dataterm = compute_dataterm(j, i, sLum, sET, Width, Height);
                fill_front.emplace(sET[patch_offset].confidence * dataterm, CPoint(j, i));
            //i = patch_rect.top;
            j = patch_rect.right - 1;
            patch_offset = i * Width + j;
            if (i - 1 >= 0 && sET[patch_offset - Width].flag == INSIDE
                || j + 1 < Width && sET[patch_offset + 1].flag == INSIDE)
                float dataterm = compute_dataterm(j, i, sLum, sET, Width, Height);
                fill_front.emplace(sET[patch_offset].confidence * dataterm, CPoint(j, i));
            i = patch_rect.bottom - 1;
            j = patch_rect.left;
            patch_offset = i * Width + j;
            if (j - 1 >= 0 && sET[patch_offset - 1].flag == INSIDE
                || i + 1 < Height && sET[patch_offset + Width].flag == INSIDE)
                float dataterm = compute_dataterm(j, i, sLum, sET, Width, Height);
                fill_front.emplace(sET[patch_offset].confidence * dataterm, CPoint(j, i));
            //i = patch_rect.bottom - 1;
            j = patch_rect.right - 1;
            patch_offset = i * Width + j;
            if (j + 1 < Width && sET[patch_offset + 1].flag == INSIDE
                || i + 1 < Height && sET[patch_offset + Width].flag == INSIDE)
                float dataterm = compute_dataterm(j, i, sLum, sET, Width, Height);
                fill_front.emplace(sET[patch_offset].confidence * dataterm, CPoint(j, i));
    PutRGB(pRect, sRed, sGreen, sBlue);
    return TRUE;

在计算两片样例之间的距离时,颜色空间的选择还是挺重要的。我试过几个不同的颜色空间,按照论文中使用的CIE Lab应该效果是最好的。



                        原图(640x480)                                                  样例半径3,搜索半径50



                                                 待修补图                                                                                                        样例半径1,搜索半径10


                                                                     原图(698x319)                                                                                                                                inpaint模板


                                                           样例半径3,搜索半径50                                                                                                                                   样例半径4,搜索半径80


                                                         原图(2048x1269)                                                                                                                                          inpaint模板


                                                             样例半径3,搜索半径50                                                                                                                                 样例半径5,搜索半径100



                                                         原图                                                                                                                                    inpaint模板


                                      样例半径3,搜索半径80                                                                                                    样例半径3,搜索半径100


                                        样例半径5,搜索半径100                                                                                                       样例半径5,搜索半径150

