I2C controller core之Bit controller(03)

FPGA proven, AISC proven, I2C controller core from OpenCores  



5  block

  1) capture SCL and SDA    

 1 -- port
 2 scl_i   : in    std_logic;
 3 sda_i   : in    std_logic;
 5 -- architecture
 7 -- block
 8 bus_status_ctrl : block
 9   singal cSCL, cSDA    : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
11 capture_scl_sda: process(clk, nRst)
12 begin
13     if (nRst = '0') then 
14         cSCL <= "00";
15         cSDA <= "00";
16     elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
17         if (rst = '1') then
18             cSCL <= "00";
19             cSDA <= "00";
20         else 
21             cSCL <= (cSCL(0) & scl_i);
22             cSDA <= (cSDA(0) & sda_i);
23         endif;
24     endif;
25 end process capture_scl_sda;

   2) filter SCL and SDA (glitch-free)

 1 -- port
 2   ena     : in std_logic;               -- core enable signal
 3   clk_cnt : in unsigned(15 downto 0);   -- clock prescale value
 5 -- block
 6  signal fSCL  : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- filter inputs for SCL
 7  signal  fSDA : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- filter inputs for SDA
 8  signal filter_cnt  : unsigned(13 downto 0);  -- clock divider for filter
10 filter_divider: process(clk, nRst)
11 begin
12     if (nRst = '0') then
13         filter_cnt <= (others => '0');
14     elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
15         if ( (rst = '1') or (ena = '0') ) then
16             filter_cnt <= (others => '0');
17         elsif (filter_cnt = 0) then
18             filter_cnt <= clk_cnt(15 downto 2);
19         else
20             filter_cnt <= filter_cnt -1;
21         end if;
22     end if;
23 end process filter_divider;
26 filter_scl_sda: process(clk, nRst)
27 begin
28     if (nRst = '0') then
29         fSCL <= (others => '1');
30         fSDA <= (others => '1');
31     elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
32         if (rst = '1') then
33             fSCL <= (others => '1');
34             fSDA <= (others => '1');
35         elsif (filter_cnt = 0) then
36             fSCL <= (fSCL(1 downto 0) & cSCL(1));
37             fSDA <= (fSDA(1 downto 0) & cSDA(1));
38         end if;
39     end if;
40 end process filter_scl_sda;

  3) generate filtered SCL and SDA signals

 1 -- architecture
 2  signal sSCL, sSDA : std_logic;   -- synchronized SCL and SDA inputs
 3  signal dSCL, dSDA : std_logic;   -- delayed versions ofsSCL and sSDA
 5 -- block
 6 scl_sda: process(clk, nRst)
 7 begin
 8    if (nRst = '0') then
 9        sSCL <= '1';
10        sSDA <= '1';
12        dSCL <= '1';
13        dSDA <= '1';
14    elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
15        if (rst = '1') then
16            sSCL <= '1';
17            sSDA <= '1';
19            dSCL <= '1';
20            dSDA <= '1';
21        else
22           sSCL <= (fSCL(2) and fSCL(1)) or
23                   (fSCL(2) and fSCL(0)) or
24                   (fSCL(1) and fSCL(0));
25           sSDA <= (fSDA(2) and fSDA(1)) or
26                   (fSDA(2) and fSDA(0)) or
27                   (fSDA(1) and fSDA(0));
29           dSCL <= sSCL;
30           dSDA <= sSDA;
31        end if;
32    end if;
33 end process scl_sda;