恢复corrupted gitsvn repository的过程记录



fatal: object 016660b7605cfc2da85f631bbe809f7cb7962608 is corrupted


# 从镜像clone中恢复一个git repo,幸好有一个mirror clone。

git clone --mirror billing@ /srv/git/cmcc1.git

# 把损坏的git repo中与SVN相关的内容复制到新的git repo中。

cp -R cmcc.bad.git/config cmcc1.git/
cp -R cmcc.bad.git/svn cmcc1.git/
cp -R cmcc.bad.git/logs cmcc1.git/
cp -R cmcc.bad.git/info/refs cmcc1.git/info/
cp -R cmcc.bad.git/refs/heads/master cmcc1.git/refs/heads/

# 根据git log中的信息对新git repo中的相关文件中的hash做了些调整

# 尝试执行/usr/bin/git --git-dir=/srv/git/cmcc1.git svn fetch 仍然报错


幸运的是从网上搜到了一个生成rev_map文件的脚本 https://gist.github.com/1953425

   1: #! /usr/bin/env gawk -f
   2: # git --no-pager log | gawk -f this-script > revmap.txt
   3: # xxd -c 24 -r revmap.txt \
   4: #    .git/svn/refs/remotes/trunk/.rev_map.cfe28804-0f27-0410-a406-dd0f0b0b656f
   5: # 0000000: 0000 0001 cce6 285e 48e1 e3cc 0d7d 0617 beb0 4e88 a126 8634  
   6: # 0000018: 0000 0006 6e4f ada4 bed4 6660 c987 dc74 1243 8973 16cc c810  
   7: BEGIN {
   8:     FS=" "
   9:     # this number comes from ``git --no-pager log | grep ^commit | wc -l``
  10:     # and is ZERO-indexed because the last xxd will begin with 0000
  11:     # you might be tempted to think it is the highest r-number, but no,
  12:     # because evidently not every subversion commit made it to git
  13:     cnt=30554
  14: }
  15: /^commit / {
  16:     cmit=$2
  17: }
  18: /git-svn/ {
  19:     # remove everything except the r-number
  20:     sub(/[^@]+@/,"")
  21:     # remove the repository-id
  22:     sub(/ .*$/,"")
  23:     addr=cnt * 24
  24:     # thankfully, xxd is tolerant of not having
  25:     # any spaces, so we can just dump the commitish
  26:     # right into the file
  27:     printf "%08x: %08x%s  \n", addr, $0, cmit
  28:     cnt = cnt - 1
  29: }


执行 /usr/bin/git --git-dir=/srv/git/cmcc1.git svn fetch 成功。

