备份BinLog并压缩 全备份

Rem Backup Mysql Binlog
Rem Backup Yesterday and RAR
Rem Backup every day 00:01 begin backup yesterday and now binlog

@set curPath=%~dp0
@set SourcePath="\110ProgramDataMySQLMySQL_Server_5.6datamysql-bin.*"
@set WinRARPath="C:Program FilesWinRARRar.exe"

@set BackupPath="%curPath%data"

@Rem Yestoday
@echo wscript.echo dateadd("d",-1,date)>GetOldDate.vbs
@for /f "tokens=1,2,3* delims=-/. " %%i in ('cscript /nologo GetOldDate.vbs') do (
   @set y=%%i
   @set m=%%j
   @set d=%%k
@if %m% LSS 10 set m=0%m%
@if %d% LSS 10 set d=0%d%
@set Yestoday=%m%-%d%-%y%
@set YestodayFolder=%y%-%m%-%d%
@del GetOldDate.vbs
@echo %Yestoday%

@rem make yestoday folder
@mkdir %BackupPath%\%YestodayFolder%

xcopy %SourcePath% %BackupPath%\%YestodayFolder% /s /c /h /y /d:%Yestoday%
@rem -m  存储方式: 0存储、1最快、2快速、3标准、4较好、5最优
%WinRARPath% a %BackupPath%\%YestodayFolder%.rar %BackupPath%%YestodayFolder%
@ping -n 10>nul
rmdir /s /q %BackupPath%\%YestodayFolder%


@Rem 检测是32位还是64位
@REM code from http://support.microsoft.com/kb/556009/en-us
@SET Bits=32
SET RegQry=HKLMHardwareDescriptionSystemCentralProcessor
(REG.exe QUERY %RegQry%  | Find /i "x86")
If %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
    REM 32 Bit
    SET Bits=32
    REM 64 Bit
    SET Bits=64
@REM 设定mysqldump文件
@SET curPath=%~dp0
@SET MysqlDump=%curPath%mysqldump_exemysqldump_%Bits%.exe

@REM 当前日期
@set CurrentDay=%date:~,4%%date:~5,2%%date:~8,2%

@Rem 设定备份目标目录
set Backup_Folder="%curPath%sql"

@Rem 设置数据库服务器IP及数据库信息
set Dump_IP=""
set User_Name="root"
set Password="1234"
set Database="test"

%MysqlDump% -h %Dump_IP% -u%User_Name% -p%Password% %Database% --default-character-set=utf8 --single-transaction --compress --max_allowed_packet=10240000 --net_buffer_length=16384 >%Backup_Folder%\%CurrentDay%.sql