Java 二进制兼容性



1 package com.author1;
2 public class Authorization {
3     public boolean authorized(String userName) {
4         return true;
5     }
6 }
 1 package com.author2;
 2 import com.author1.*;
 4 public class Hello {
 5     public static void main(String arg[]) {
 6         Authorization auth = new Authorization();
 7         if (auth.authorized("MyName")) {
 8             System.out.println("您已经通过验证");
 9         } else {
10             System.out.println("您未能通过身份验证");
11         }
12     }
13 }                 


public class Authorization {
    public Token authorized(String userName, String pwd) {
        return null;

    private boolean determineAuthorization(String userName, String pwd) {
        return true;

    public boolean authorized(String userName) {
        return true;

    public class Token {



  • Java将二进制兼容性的粒度从整个库(可能包含数十、数百个类)细化到了单个的类。
  • 在C/C++之类的语言中,创建共享库通常是一种有意识的行为,一个应用软件一般不会提供很多共享库,哪些代码可以共享、哪些代码不可共享都是预先规划的结果。但在Java中,二进制兼容变成了一种与生俱来的天然特性。
  • 共享对象只针对函数名称,但Java二进制兼容性考虑到了重载、函数签名、返回值类型。
  • Java提供了更完善的错误控制机制,版本不兼容会触发异常,但可以方便地捕获和处理。相比之下,在C/C++中,共享库版本不兼容往往引起严重问题。

  Here is a list of some important binary compatible changes that the Java programming language supports:

    •   Reimplementing existing methods, constructors, and initializers to improve performance.
    •   Changing methods or constructors to return values on inputs for which they previously either threw exceptions that normally should not occur or failed by going into an infinite loop or causing a deadlock.
    •   Adding new fields, methods, or constructors to an existing class or interface.
    •   Deleting private fields, methods, or constructors of a class.
    •   When an entire package is updated, deleting default (package-only) access fields, methods, or constructors of classes and interfaces in the package.
    •   Reordering the fields, methods, or constructors in an existing type declaration.
    •   Moving a method upward in the class hierarchy.
    •   Reordering the list of direct superinterfaces of a class or interface.
    •   Inserting new class or interface types in the type hierarchy.
