LeetCode 605. Can Place Flowers (可以种花)

Suppose you have a long flowerbed in which some of the plots are planted and some are not. However, flowers cannot be planted in adjacent plots - they would compete for water and both would die.

Given a flowerbed (represented as an array containing 0 and 1, where 0 means empty and 1 means not empty), and a number n, return if n new flowers can be planted in it without violating the no-adjacent-flowers rule.

Example 1:

Input: flowerbed = [1,0,0,0,1], n = 1
Output: True

Example 2:

Input: flowerbed = [1,0,0,0,1], n = 2
Output: False


  1. The input array won't violate no-adjacent-flowers rule.
  2. The input array size is in the range of [1, 20000].
  3. n is a non-negative integer which won't exceed the input array size.


  题目给了我们一个 flowerbed array, 和一个 n, 让我们找出是否右足够的空间来置放 n 个花。 每一朵符合条件的花,它的左右相邻位置 不能有花。

  所以我们要遍历flowerbed array:



    一旦当空间数量 已经 等于 n 了,就不需要继续找下去了,直接返回true。(这里要加一个 = ,因为给的 n 有可能是 0)

  当遍历完了,说明空间不够,返回 false 即可。

Java Solution:

Runtime beats 60.45% 



关键点:符合条件的empty spot 的 左右邻居也要为0

 1 class Solution 
 2 {
 3     public boolean canPlaceFlowers(int[] flowerbed, int n) 
 4     {
 5         int count = 0; // count the valid empty spot
 7         for(int i=0; i<flowerbed.length; i++)
 8         {
10             if(flowerbed[i] == 0) // if find empty spot, check its adjacent spots
11             {
12                 if(i-1 >= 0 && flowerbed[i-1] == 1) // check left adjacent spot
13                     continue;
14                 if(i+1 < flowerbed.length && flowerbed[i+1] == 1) // check right adjacent spot
15                     continue;
17                 // if come here, meaning this 0 is valid spot to place flower
18                 count++;
19                 i++; // skip next 0
20             }
21             else if(flowerbed[i] == 1) // if find a flower spot, its next spot is not valid, skip it
22             {
23                 i++;
24             }
27             if(count >= n) // if there are enough spots to place flower, no need to continue
28                 return true;
30         }
32         return false;
33     }
34 }


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