GNU Screen使用



1 # open new screen session
2 screen
3 # restore
# -d: use the -d option to detach the screen session from the terminal where it's in.
4 screen -rd <session_number>

Steps Using GNU Screen

  1. Connect. Connect to a remote server and create a Screen session via ssh -t <> screen -R
  2. Detach. When done with the SSH session, use ctrl-a d to detach from the session. This also disconnect with the SSH server.
  3. Reconnect. The SSH session is still running actually. When you are ready to resume working with the session, use ssh -t <> screen -R again to reconnect, then you are right where you left it.
  4. Terminate. To permanently terminate a Screen session, just disconnect from the server the usual way (ctrl-d).

Limitation: If you are using apps with graphical interface, not just the command line environment, then screen is not suitable for resuming such jobs, and VNC instead would be the ideal choice.

如何Scroll Back以及设置Scroll Buffer大小

ctrl+a+ESC: copy mode
you can scroll
ESC: exit copy mode
ctrl+a+: then type scrollback 999999

Screen has its own scroll buffer, as it is a terminal multiplexer and has to deal with several buffers.

Maybe there's a better way, but I'm used to scrolling using the "copy mode" (which you can use to copy text using screen itself, although that requires the paste command too):

  • Hit your screen prefix combination (C-a / control+A by default), then hit Escape.

  • Move up/down with the arrow keys ( and ).

  • When you're done, hit q or Escape to get back to the end of the scroll buffer.

(If instead of q or Escape you hit Enter or Return and then move the cursor, you will be selecting text to copy, and hitting Enter or Return a second time will copy it. Then you can paste with C-a followed by ].)

Of course, you can always use more and less, two commonly used pagers, which may be enough for some commands.

Press Ctrl-a then : and then type

scrollback 10000

to get a 10000 line buffer, for example.

You can also set the default number of scrollback lines by adding

defscrollback 10000

to your ~/.screenrc file.

To scroll (if your terminal doesn't allow you to by default), press Ctrl-a ESC and then scroll (with the usual Ctrl-f for next page or Ctrl-a for previous page, or just with your mouse wheel / two-fingers). To exit the scrolling mode, just press ESC.

Another tip: Ctrl-a i shows your current buffer setting.
