new 加载后没有数据显示提示

var myData = {
            records : [
                { name : "Record 0", column1 : "0", column2 : "0" },
                { name : "Record 1", column1 : "1", column2 : "1" },
                { name : "Record 2", column1 : "2", column2 : "2" },
                { name : "Record 3", column1 : "3", column2 : "3" },
                { name : "Record 4", column1 : "4", column2 : "4" },
                { name : "Record 5", column1 : "5", column2 : "5" },
                { name : "Record 6", column1 : "6", column2 : "6" },
                { name : "Record 7", column1 : "7", column2 : "7" },
                { name : "Record 8", column1 : "8", column2 : "8" },
                { name : "Record 9", column1 : "9", column2 : "9" }
        // Generic fields array to use in both store defs.
        var fields = [
            {name: 'name', mapping : 'name'},
            {name: 'column1', mapping : 'column1'},
            {name: 'column2', mapping : 'column2'}
        // create the data store
        var gridStore = new{
            url:'http://localhost/extjs/examples/test/test.php', //使用远程的数据源。 如果使用url 则需要autoLoad一下。或者 store.load()
            autoLoad : true,
            fields : fields,
            // data : myData,    //使用上面的数据源。
            root : 'records'
// gridStore.load();
// console.log(gridStore);
        // Column Model shortcut array
        var cols = [
            { id : 'name', header: "Record Name", 160, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'name'},
            {header: "column1", 50, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'column1'},
            {header: "column2", 50, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'column2'}
// console.log(gridStore,store) ;
        // declare the source Grid
        return new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
            ddGroup : 'gridDDGroup',
            store : gridStore,
            columns : cols,
            enableDragDrop : true,
            stripeRows : true,
            autoExpandColumn : 'name',
            width : 325,
            region : 'west',
            title : '参数列表',
            selModel : new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({singleSelect : true})