


TBSONWriter = class(TFileBufferWriter)


    /// rewind the Stream to the position when Create() was called
    // - this will also reset the internal document offset table
    procedure CancelAll; override;

    /// write a boolean value
    procedure BSONWrite(const name: RawUTF8; const value: boolean); overload;
    /// write a floating point value
    procedure BSONWrite(const name: RawUTF8; const value: Double); overload;
    /// write a 32 bit integer value
    procedure BSONWrite(const name: RawUTF8; const value: integer); overload;
    /// write a 64 bit integer value
    procedure BSONWrite(const name: RawUTF8; const value: Int64); overload;
    /// write a string (UTF-8) value
    procedure BSONWrite(const name: RawUTF8; const value: RawUTF8;
      isJavaScript: boolean = false); overload;
    /// write a string (UTF-8) value from a memory buffer
    procedure BSONWrite(const name: RawUTF8; value: PUTF8Char); overload;
    /// write a string (UTF-8) value from a memory buffer
    procedure BSONWriteString(const name: RawUTF8; value: PUTF8Char; valueLen: integer);
    /// write a binary (BLOB) value
    procedure BSONWrite(const name: RawUTF8; Data: pointer; DataLen: integer); overload;
    /// write an ObjectID value
    procedure BSONWrite(const name: RawUTF8; const value: TBSONObjectID); overload;
    /// write a RegEx value
    procedure BSONWriteRegEx(const name: RawUTF8; const RegEx, Options: RawByteString);
    /// write a data/time value
    procedure BSONWriteDateTime(const name: RawUTF8; const value: TDateTime);
    /// write an element with no value
    // - elemType can be either betNull, betMinKey or betMaxKey
    procedure BSONWrite(const name: RawUTF8; elemtype: TBSONElementType); overload;
    /// write an element with no value
    procedure BSONWrite(const name: RawUTF8; const elem: TBSONElement); overload;
    /// write a BSONVariant instance value
    procedure BSONWrite(const name: RawUTF8; const bson: TBSONVariantData); overload;
    /// write a DocVariant instance value
    procedure BSONWrite(const name: RawUTF8; const doc: TDocVariantData); overload;
    /// write a TDecimal128 value
    procedure BSONWrite(const name: RawUTF8; const value: TDecimal128); overload;
    /// write a variant value
    // - handle simple types (numbers, strings...) and custom types (TDocVariant
    // and TBSONVariant, trying a translation to JSON for other custom types)
    procedure BSONWriteVariant(const name: RawUTF8; const value: variant); overload;
    /// write an open array (const Args: array of const) argument
    // - handle simple types (numbers, strings...) and custom types (TDocVariant)
    procedure BSONWrite(const name: RawUTF8; const value: TVarRec); overload;
    /// write a value from the supplied JSON content
    // - is able to handle any kind of values, including nested documents or
    // BSON extended syntax (if DoNotTryExtendedMongoSyntax=false)
    // - this method is used recursively by BSONWriteDocFromJSON(), and should
    // not be called directly
    // - will return JSON=nil in case of unexpected error in the supplied JSON
    procedure BSONWriteFromJSON(const name: RawUTF8; var JSON: PUTF8Char;
      EndOfObject: PUTF8Char; DoNotTryExtendedMongoSyntax: boolean = false);

    /// recursive writing of a BSON document or value from a TDocVariant
    // object or array, used e.g. by BSON(const doc: TDocVariantData) function
    // - caller should execute BSONAdjustDocumentsSize() on the resulting buffer
    // - this method will call BSONDocumentBegin/BSONDocumentEnd internally
    // - will raise an EBSONException if doc is not a valid TDocVariant or null
    // or if the resulting binary content is bigger than BSON_MAXDOCUMENTSIZE
    procedure BSONWriteDoc(const doc: TDocVariantData);
    /// write an object specified as name/value pairs as a BSON document
    // - data must be supplied two by two, as Name,Value pairs, e.g.
    // ! aBSONWriter.BSONWriteObject(['name','John','year',1972]);
    // - this method wil be faster than using a BSONWriteDoc(_ObjFast(...))
    procedure BSONWriteObject(const NameValuePairs: array of const);
    /// write a projection specified as fieldname:1 pairs as a BSON document
    procedure BSONWriteProjection(const FieldNamesCSV: RawUTF8);
    /// write an object as query parameter
    // - will handle all SQL operators, including IN (), IS NULL or LIKE
    // - see @
    // - inverted should be TRUE e.g. for a NOT ... expression
    // - returns TRUE on success, FALSE if the operator is not implemented yet
    function BSONWriteQueryOperator(name: RawUTF8; inverted: boolean;
      op: TSynTableStatementOperator; const Value: variant): boolean;
    /// write one array item, i.e. the ASCII index name as text
    // - only one level of array should be used per TBSONWriter class
    procedure BSONWriteArray(const kind: TBSONElementType); overload;
    /// write an array specified as a list of items as a BSON document
    // - data must be supplied as a list of values e.g.
    // ! aBSONWriter.BSONWriteArray(['John',1972]);
    // - this method wil be faster than using a BSONWriteDoc(_ArrFast(...))
    procedure BSONWriteArray(const Items: array of const); overload;
    /// write an array of integers as a BSON Document
    procedure BSONWriteArrayOfInteger(const Integers: array of integer);
    /// write an array of integers as a BSON Document
    procedure BSONWriteArrayOfInt64(const Integers: array of Int64);
    /// write some BSON document from a supplied (extended) JSON array or object
    // - warning: the incoming JSON buffer will be modified in-place: so you
    // should make a private copy before running this method (see e.g. TSynTempBuffer)
    // - will handle only '{ ... }', '[ ... ]' or 'null' input, with the standard
    // strict JSON format, or BSON-like extensions, e.g. unquoted field names:
    // $ {id:10,doc:{name:"John",birthyear:1972}}
    // - if DoNotTryExtendedMongoSyntax is default FALSE, then the MongoDB Shell
    // syntax will also be recognized to create BSON custom types, like
    // $ new Date()   ObjectId()   MinKey   MaxKey  /<jRegex>/<jOptions>
    // see @
    // $ {id:new ObjectId(),doc:{name:"John",date:ISODate()}}
    // $ {name:"John",field:/acme.*corp/i}
    // - if DoNotTryExtendedMongoSyntax is TRUE, process may be slightly faster
    // - will create the BSON binary without any temporary TDocVariant storage
    function BSONWriteDocFromJSON(JSON: PUTF8Char; aEndOfObject: PUTF8Char;
      out Kind: TBSONElementType; DoNotTryExtendedMongoSyntax: boolean = false): PUTF8Char;

    /// to be called before a BSON document will be written
    // - each BSONDocumentBegin should be followed by its nested BSONDocumentEnd
    procedure BSONDocumentBegin; overload;
    /// to be called before a BSON document will be written
    // - each BSONDocumentBegin should be followed by its nested BSONDocumentEnd
    // - you could create a new BSON object by specifying a name and its
    // type, i.e. either betDoc or betArray
    procedure BSONDocumentBegin(const name: RawUTF8;
      kind: TBSONElementType = betDoc); overload;
    /// to be called before a BSON document will be written in an array
    // - only one level of array should be used per TBSONWriter class
    procedure BSONDocumentBeginInArray(const name: RawUTF8;
      kind: TBSONElementType = betDoc);
    /// to be called when a BSON document has been written
    // - it will store the current stream position into an internal array,
    // which will be written when you call AdjustDocumentsSize()
    // - you can optional specify how many nested documents should be closed,
    // and/or if it should not write an ending betEof item
    procedure BSONDocumentEnd(CloseNumber: integer = 1; WriteEndingZero: boolean = true);
    /// after all content has been written, call this method on the resulting
    // memory buffer to store all document size as expected by the standard
    procedure BSONAdjustDocumentsSize(BSON: PByteArray); virtual;
    /// flush the content and return the whole binary encoded stream
    // - call BSONAdjustDocumentsSize() to adjust all internal document sizes
    // - expect the TBSONWriter instance to have been created as such:
    // ! TBSONWriter.Create(TRawByteStringStream);
    procedure ToBSONDocument(var result: TBSONDocument); virtual;
    /// flush the content and return the whole document as a TBSONVariant
    // - call ToBSONDocument() to adjust all internal document sizes
    // - expect the TBSONWriter instance to have been created as such:
    // ! TBSONWriter.Create(TRawByteStringStream);
    procedure ToBSONVariant(var result: variant; Kind: TBSONElementType = betDoc);

  TBSONDocument = RawByteString;
