

SELECT  a.CooperationIntention ,         a.OrganizationID ,         COUNT(*) 数量 ,  

 CONVERT (DECIMAL(18, 2), CAST(COUNT(*) AS FLOAT)         / CAST(( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SG_Discuss b WHERE a.OrganizationID = b.OrganizationID and  ServerLicenseID = '61DD8BE1-9458-41FB-AA56-DA11634E11CD' ) AS FLOAT)   ) 占比 FROM    SG_Discuss a WHERE ServerLicenseID = '61DD8BE1-9458-41FB-AA56-DA11634E11CD' GROUP BY a.CooperationIntention , a.OrganizationID

SELECT  a.CooperationIntention ,         a.OrganizationID ,         COUNT(*) 数量 ,   CONVERT (DECIMAL(18, 2), CAST(COUNT(*) AS FLOAT)         / CAST(( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SG_Discuss b WHERE a.OrganizationID = b.OrganizationID and ServerLicenseID= '61DD8BE1-9458-41FB-AA56-DA11634E11CD' and DiscussDate> CONVERT(datetime,'2018-09-01',20) and CooperationIntention in ('10%','20%')) AS FLOAT)   ) 占比 FROM    SG_Discuss a WHERE ServerLicenseID = '61DD8BE1-9458-41FB-AA56-DA11634E11CD' and DiscussDate> CONVERT(datetime,'2018-09-01',20)  and CooperationIntention in ('10%','20%') GROUP BY a.CooperationIntention , a.OrganizationID
