python 实现简单的端口扫描器

  1 #coding=utf-8
  2 import socket
  3 import time
  4 import sys
  6 def portScanner(ip,port):
  7     server = (ip,port)
  8     sockfd = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  9     sockfd.settimeout(0.5)
 10     ret = sockfd.connect_ex(server)  #返回0则成功
 11     if not ret:
 12         sockfd.close()
 13         print '%s:%s is opened...' % (ip,port)
 14     else:
 15         sockfd.close()
 16         pass
 17     return ''
 19 def ip2num(ip):
 20     lp = [int(x) for x in ip.split('.')]
 21     return lp[0] << 24 | lp[1] << 16 | lp[2] << 8 |lp[3]
 23 def num2ip(num):
 24     ip = ['','','','']
 25     ip[3] = (num & 0xff)
 26     ip[2] = (num & 0xff00) >> 8
 27     ip[1] = (num & 0xff0000) >> 16
 28     ip[0] = (num & 0xff000000) >> 24
 29     return '%s.%s.%s.%s' % (ip[0],ip[1],ip[2],ip[3])
 31 def iprange(ip1,ip2):
 32     num1 = ip2num(ip1)
 33     num2 = ip2num(ip2)
 34     tmp = num2 - num1
 35     if tmp < 0:
 36         return None
 37     else:
 38         return num1,num2,tmp
 40 def scanip(ip):
 41     port = 0
 42     res = ''
 43     while port < 65536:
 44         s=socket.socket()
 45         address = str(ip)
 46         try:
 47             s.connect((address,port))
 48             res = res + str(port) + '
 49             #print str(port) + ' is opening'
 50         except socket.error,e:
 51             pass
 52             #print str(port) + ' Not Opened'
 53         port = port + 1
 54     print res
 56 if __name__ == '__main__':
 57     #输出运行时的时间
 58     print 'start time : %s' % time.ctime(time.time())
 59     #没有传入参数,打印使用方法
 60     if len(sys.argv) == 1:
 61         print 'Usage startip endip port (get the specfic given opening port from startip to endip)'
 62         print 'Usage destip (get all the opening ports from destip) '
 63         print 'Usage startip endip (get all the opening ports from startip to endip)'
 64         sys.exit()
 65     #传入了一个参数ip,扫描这个ip打开的端口
 66     if len(sys.argv) == 2:
 67         ip = sys.argv[1]
 68         print str(ip) + ' is scanned...'
 69         #调用扫描端口方法
 70         scanip(ip)
 71     elif len(sys.argv) == 3:#扫描网段内所有ip所有端口
 72         res = ()
 73         startip = sys.argv[1]#网段起始ip
 74         endip = sys.argv[2]#网段结束ip
 75         res = iprange(startip,endip)#判断网段大小
 77         if not res:
 78             print 'endip must be bigger than startone'
 79             sys.exit()
 80         elif res[2] == 0:#只有一个ip
 81             print str(ip) + ' is scanned...'
 82             scanip(ip)
 83         else:#循环扫描网段中的每个ip
 84             startipn = ip2num(startip)
 85             for x in xrange(endip-startip+1):
 86                 print str(ip) + ' is scanned...'
 87                 startipnum = startipn + x
 88                 scanip(num2ip(startipnum))#扫描ip的端口
 89     else:#扫描指定网段内的指定端口
 90         res = ()
 91         startip = sys.argv[1]#网段起始ip
 92         endip = sys.argv[2]#网段结束ip
 93         port = int(sys.argv[3])#指定端口
 94         res = iprange(startip,endip)#判断网段大小
 95         if not res:
 96             print 'endip must be bigger than startone'
 97             sys.exit()
 98         elif res[2] == 0:#只有一个ip
 99             portScanner(startip,port)
100         else:#循环扫描网段中的每个ip
101             startipn = ip2num(startip)
102             for x in xrange(int(res[2])+1):
103                 startipnum = startipn + x
104                 portScanner(num2ip(startipnum),port)#扫描ip的指定端口
105     print 'end time : %s' % time.ctime(time.time())#输出结束时间