vim options for icpcer

 1 filetype plugin indent on
 2 set completeopt=preview,menu
 3 set syntax=on
 4 set mouse=a
 5 set cindent
 6 set tabstop=4
 7 set nu
 8 set hlsearch
 9 set smarttab
10 set showmatch
11 set matchtime=0
12 set report=0
14 :inoremap { {}<esc>i
15 :inoremap {<CR> {<CR>}<ESC>O
16 :inoremap } <c-r>=Close('}')<CR>
17 function Close(char)
18     if getline('.')[col('.')-1] == a:char
19         return "<Right>"
20     else
21         return a:char
22     endif
23 endfunction
25 map <C-A> ggVG"+y
26 map <F5> :call Run()<CR>
27 func! Run()
28         exec "w"
29         exec "!g++ -Wall % -o %<"
30         exec "!./%<"
31 endfunc

F5 to complier and run

ctrl+a to copy all
