如何在server上手动设置SQL Server CE


Server CE 2.0 自带了一个配置工具,这是1.0版本中没有的。配置工作基本上可以用这个工具完成。但如果你想知道它到底都干了些什么,可以按照下面的步骤自己做一次。其实那个工具就是完成以下功能。
1) 在c:\inetpub\wwwroot\下建一个目录,比如c:\inetpub\wwwroot\northwind。其实你在别的目录建也是没有问题的,这里只是为了方便。
2) 把 sscesa20.dll 文件从安装目录中拷贝到上面那个目录中。省缺的安装目录应该是:c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server CE 2.0\Server
3) 打开一个命令窗口,执行以下命令:
regsvr32 C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\NorthWind\sscesa20.dll
4) 打开Internet Services Manager 建立名字为'Northwind'的虚拟目录,将其指向 C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\northwind。在 Access Permissions list 中选择 'Execute'。
5) 再来配置额外属性。右键点击 'Northwind',选择 'Properties'
选择 Directory Security 页,在Authentication Methods 选择 Anonymous user account - it is usually something like IUSR_PCNAME. If you are running IIS and the SS CE Server agent on the same PC then we can use the default settings as shown here:

Now let's configure the SQL Server CE Server Agent permissions - we need to configure directory authorisation & file permissions
File Permissions
Even though IIS authenticates the client you still need to configure the NTFS permissions on the 'SSCESA10.DLL'. Using Windows Explorer navigate to the virtual directory you created in step #4 (C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\northwind) - right click the file, choose Properties and click the Security tab. You need the following user permissions:
Administrators - Full Control
System - Full Control
Anonymous Authentication (the IUSR_PCNAME) identified above - Read and Execute permissions
If you are using Integrated Windows Authentication, grant the client's user or group read and execute permissions. Note this is not necessary if you are running IIS and SQL 2000 on the same PC.
Directory Authorisation
Using Windows Explorer navigate to the virtual directory that contains the file we have just set permissions on above - 'C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\northwind' - right click the directory, choose Properties and click the Security tab. You need the following user permissions:
Administrators - Full Control
System - Full Control
Anonymous Authentication (the IUSR_PCNAME) - Modify
Again if you are using Integrated Windows Authentication, 'Modify' for the appropriate client - not necessary if you are running IIS and SQL 2000 on the same PC
That's it then we are done with the desktop configuration.
SQL Server CE Server Agent