
  • v-bind:class 可以简写成 :class
    <span v-bind:class="color">{{title}}</span>
    data: {
        title: 'Welcome to duyi!!!',
        color: 'red'

  • 对象
  • :class = {} class 的值由 key 组成, 但是由value决定
        color: red;
        font-size: 30px;
    <span :class="{red,font}">{{title}}</span>
    data: {
        red: true,
        font: true
    <span v-bind:class="cssObject">{{title}}</span>
    data: {
        color: 'red',
        cssObject: {
            red: true,
            font: true,

  • 数组
  • :class = [] class 是由数组中每一项对应的值决定
        color: red;
        font-size: 30px;
    <span v-bind:class="[fontSize, color]">{{title}}</span>
    data: {
        fontSize: 'font',
        color: 'red'
        color: red;
        font-size: 30px;
    <span v-bind:class="styleObj">{{title}}</span>
    data: {
        color: 'red',
        styleObj: ['font','red']


    <span :style="{color}">{{title}}</span>
    data: {
        color: 'red'
    <span :style="[style1,style2]">{{title}}</span>
    data: {
        style1: {
            color: 'green'
        style2: {
            fontWeight: 600


    <input :type="type">
    data: {
        type: 'text'

v-model 双向数据绑定

    <input :type="type" v-model='title'>
    data: {
        title: 'Welcome to duyi!!!',
        type: 'text'

模拟 v-model

    <input :type="text" v-model='title'>
    <input type="text" :value='title' @input="e=>title = e.target.value">
    data: {
        title: '模拟v-model'